Thursday, March 25, 2010

'Dodgy' dossier on affordable housing explodes in the faces of the Scottish Labour MSPs, as London Labour totally ignore them

Dear All

One of the things which people need to have to put down roots is affordable housing in an area that they want to belong in.

Housing is a key issue.

Yesterday Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling had the opportunity to release £350 million in accelerated capital funding for the construction of affordable housing in Scotland.

It didn’t happen.

What the refusal does show is how powerless and ineffective the ‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray is at standing up for Scotland.

This is another in a long line of personal humiliations for Iain Gray; he is the forgotten man of Scottish politics in many ways.

Gray had previously called for this funding to be released but no one is listening at London Labour.

He is so desperate that he has to back SNP Government policies in order to make any impact.

Glasgow SNP MSP Bob Doris said;

"The real issue housing before this budget was the capital funding for affordable housing and whether Labour are going to support the SNP Government's call for £350 million to be made available from accelerated capital funding. That Alistair Darling has failed to do this just shows how Labour are no different from the Tories”.

The Labour Party had been sending a misleading document to councils about affordable housing capital, now they just look silly, ineffective and embarrassing.

Bob Doris added;

"Labour MSP Johann Lamont may like to treat councils and others as idiots but they know that last year's funding was accelerated funding brought forward from this year to avert an even more devastating recession. Instead of spreading dodgy dossiers she should have continued to support the SNP's call to the Chancellor for £350 million in accelerated capital funding. Her silence on that issue speaks volumes”.

When it came time to stand up for Scotland at the budget, the British Labour Party (Scotland) were muted.

The Labour and Tories are no different; Scotland will always be treated as second class.

Even although Englishman Alistair Darling represents a Scottish seat, don’t bank on loyalty or doing the right thing.

The Scottish people as always will have to look to the SNP for that type of protection.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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