Friday, March 19, 2010

East Lothian Labour Party continue the 'War on Moffat' as they vote to get rid of her, the 'East Coast Weasel' Iain Gray refuses to speak out

Dear All

It is Friday, but for Labour MP Anne Moffat it is D Day at East Lothian Labour Party.

She will learn tonight whether she has a future and the support of her local party in a crucial vote on her future.

Moffat is facing de-selection and being sent in the political wilderness just weeks before the general election is due.

And the signs don’t look good she will take the popular vote and faces a crushing defeat.

The last time there was a vote she lost it by 25-5.

The Labour Party's National Executive Committee has also abandoned Moffat and thrown her to the wolves.

The wolves are hungry.

The NEC agreed last week to allow local members a vote to decide which means curtains for Moffat.

The executive will then rubberstamp and endorse the decision, Moffat probably appeal but she has had her chance in the last chance saloon.Activists have already signalled strongly they rid of her and to choose a new candidate to fight the seat.

Even the ‘East Coast Weasel', Labour MSP Iain Gray failed to back her through-out her troubles!

Year in, year out he failed to provide leadership or deal with the Moffat problem.

The ‘War on Moffat’ led to the local constituency party being suspended in 2008 over an earlier row about her re-selection to fight the election.

The strength of anti Moffat feeling runs deep.

Ms Moffat, a carpet bagger was first elected in 2001 and it went downhill from there.

She further put people’s noses out by a sacking three employees which generated considerable bad blood among East Lothian members.

She previously survived in the constituency as candidate through votes from union affiliates.

It’s all gone now!

As Peter O’Toole famously said in Lawrence of Arabia;

“No prisoners! No prisoners!”

Or it seems quarter will be given.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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