Monday, March 15, 2010

Cardinal Seán Brady, the Primate of All Ireland, did you know right from wrong when Father Brendan Symth molested children?

Dear All

The Irish child sex abuse in Ireland and its cover up authorities over the activities of paedophile priests has rightly shocked the people not just in Ireland but everywhere.

Some of those who knew of the abuse but stayed silent have already step down and rightly so to.

The leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland is Cardinal Seán Brady.

He is a man without personal integrity and should be sacked from his position.

Cardinal Seán Brady, the Primate of All Ireland is defended his role at a 1975 meeting where children abused by Father Brendan Smyth were made to take a vow of silence.

His position is untenable and obscene.

To swear children to silence and be a party to it is a crime in itself given the revelations.

Brady now says that he will only resign if ordered to do so by the Pope.

Colm O’Gorman, who founded the victims' support group One In Four, said that as Dr Brady ascended in the Catholic Church hierarchy, Smyth continued to rape and abuse children for 18 years.

This has created a storm of protest against Brady, who is unfit to hold his office.

Brady said;

"Yes, I knew that these were crimes, but I did not feel that it was my responsibility to denounce the actions of Brendan Smyth to the police."

In other words he didn’t care for the safety and well being of others.

Defending his actions Brady continued;

"There was a culture of silence about this, a culture of secrecy, that’s the way society dealt with it."

No, that is the way the Catholic Church dealt with it, right and wrong hasn’t changed through-out history.

When asked if he had considered resigning he replied;

"Certainly not. I have heard other calls for me to stay. I have been very heartened by those calls, calls of support, to stay and to continue the work of addressing this most difficult problem”.

Because of Brady’s silence, Brendan Smyth was able to have a 40 year career as a paedophile involving 90 children in the North and South of Ireland.

The word disgrace doesn’t really do Cardinal Seán Brady, the Primate of All Ireland justice.

The Pope should sack him with immediate effect if justice still has any meaning in the Vatican.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I think all of the congregations of the Catholic Church should nominate a Sunday in the next few weeks and on that day at mass, all should stand up and turn their backs to the priest during his sermon/homily as a sign of protest against the cardinal and the pople

  2. I think all of the congregations of the Catholic Church should nominate a Sunday in the next few weeks and on that day at mass, all should stand up and turn their backs to the priest during his sermon/homily as a sign of protest against the cardinal and the pople
