Friday, March 26, 2010

4 day train strike timed on day of election announcement, sends out message Gordon Brown and the Labour Government has lost control of country

Dear All

The lack leadership by Gordon Brown is ebbing away a little more each day.

Under Gordon Brown, there is to be the first national rail strike in 16 years.

On the day expected by many to be the announcement of the General Election, Tuesday April 6th a four day rail strike kicks off.

It seems that the Labour honeymoon with the unions is hitting the rocks as Unite; the GMB and PCS unions are calling out their members.

Britain is experiencing what will be the ‘summer of discontent’ and it is the final nail in the coffin of Gordon Brown.

After the election talk in the Labour Party must be how to deal with the post Brown era to renew.

Brown will not go quietly so Labour members will have to force him out just as Labour did with Jack McConnell.

In a desperate attempt Lord Adonis, the Transport Secretary, last night urged both sides in the rail dispute to resolve it by talks.

The strike will have a severe impact on services and the best that Gordon Brown can do is stand on the sidelines.

For the Tories this great political stuff as they throw up the spectre of the 1970’s of ‘Labour’s not working’.

With the General Election widely expected to result in a hung Parliament such inaction increases this possibility.

The scenes that greet Blair has he made his way into Downing Street will be replaced as Brown leaves off with his tail between his legs.

Yet again, the Labour Party has left the country down again through greed, ignorance and stupidity.

Labour never learns!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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