Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger Woods issues an apology to fans and sponsors, he thinks it is important, try your wife and kids

Dear All

Tiger Woods is back….. and this time the hankie stays in his pocket!

He has said sorry for betraying his wife.

But he thinks we had to know publicly.

I don’t.

The people he has to apologise to are his wife and kids, in private.

The public ‘sack cloth and ashes’ routine are for the benefit of sponsors.

Woods did what he wanted to do; he didn’t care about his wife and kids so a video apology lasting 13 minutes borders on pathetic.

At the end of the day in corporate sponsorship America, the act was needed to appeal to the public.

Is Tiger Woods marketable?

That lies in the hands of his wife.

Not IMG his management company.

If you are married you should uphold your obligations, if not get out.

I think the public can do without Tiger Woods playing the Lady Di Act.

Finally, it should be noted that he has asked for his fans and sponsors forgiveness.

Isn’t it amazing what the pursuit of money can make you do?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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