Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Stephen Gough, the naked rambler is offered freedom if he puts his clothes on, he refuses, what a stupid little man

Dear All

Stephen Gough is known as the naked rambler.

He likes to walk about naked in front of people that includes children.

My question to him, is why he likes to expose himself in front of children?

Currently, he is in jail for 21 months after being found guilty of breaching the peace and being in contempt of court.

Despite being offered freedom if he got dressed, Gough turned it down.

Is prison the correct place for him, as he obviously has a serious mental problem?

Secure hospital would seem more appropriate.

For the last 7 years much of his time has been spent behind bars because he thinks that his nakedness isn’t a breach of the peace or an affront to anyone.

7 wasted years.

At the end of each sentence, the Police wait for him at the gates of the prison holding him and when he leaves naked, they arrest him.

This guy isn’t a local hero, he isn’t standing up for a point of principle; he is a clown, a stupid little man who should grow up.

Gough has cost the public an estimated several hundred thousand pounds, money that could be better spent helping people in need.

All wasted because of his attitude.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. The human body is a completely natural thing, its modern civilisation that has led to people becoming offended by it, he is doing no one any harm. I'm not a nudist myself, but I really don't understand why people see it as such a problem. It's nothing unusual, as the only animals to wear clothes, maybe we're the ones with the "mental problems"

  2. Dear Anon

    If some fruitcake was walking about naked in front of a group of children would you still be understanding?

    "but I really don't understand why people see it as such a problem".

    Luckily you popped by and I told you.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. George
    I believe that you are confusing nakedness and sexuality. I am rather concerned that someone who clearly has no empathy or intellectual understanding of Rights Issues should be running a campaign group at a university for Human Rights. Unless of course you are just another Tory in disguise....

  4. Contrast
    "Stephen Gough, the naked rambler is offered freedom if he puts his clothes on, he refuses, what a stupid little man"

    "Kunte Kinte, the African was offered freedom if he put the shackles on. He refused, what a stupid little man"

    Only one stupid little man here, George.
