Monday, February 22, 2010

SNP Government help start the process of rebuilding Paisley, Champagne Socialist Wendy Alexander nowhere in sight, no money in it for her!

Dear All

Paisley, the fiefdom of what is laughing called the ‘Alexander brothers’, Wendy and Douglas.

As Paisley slid slowly downhill, Wendy Alexander was collecting money from commercial businesses and organisations outside the town centre.

Rather than standing up for Paisley, she was sitting back and letting the guts get ripped out of the place.

After all, she was staying in the trendy west end of Glasgow, just off Byres Road living a life of luxury far removed from the squalid conditions of decay as Paisley imploded.

Now, a £14million project to build 100 homes is set to transform a town centre, the project to transform Paisley is supported by SNP Renfrewshire Council and the SNP Scottish Government.

The Scottish Government is putting its money where its money is, the first phase has received £1.59m of funding from the Scottish Government.

Phase one is scheduled to begin in late spring 2010.

Alex Neil, Housing and Communities Minister, said;

“The Scottish Government wants to enrich communities by supporting initiatives that will make a lasting difference and benefit those who live and work there. Everyone involved in this housing development is to be congratulated for spearheading the transformation of Paisley.”

That’s the Scottish Government in action dealing with Labour neglect.

Derek Mackay, Leader of Renfrewshire Council and Paisley Vision Board Chair, said;

“One of the major themes of our regeneration strategy for Paisley is increasing the number of people living in the town centre. I’m absolutely delighted that work is now starting on this big milestone in our regeneration plans. The inclusion of affordable housing in the development mix is particularly welcome. Paisley is genuinely building for the future.”

But not an area that Wendy Alexander would consider staying, it is one thing to milk the Paisley cash cow, but moving into the barn?

Champagne Socialism only goes so far, there are limits.

So, where is Champagne Socialist Wendy Alexander?

Is she busy accepting donations from big business?

Is she at her trendy and expensive west end gym?

Is she travelling first class on a train to Holyrood in Edinburgh?

Who knows, one thing we can probably hazard a guess at is she isn’t fighting for Paisley.

She is a typical Glasgow University product.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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