Friday, February 5, 2010

SNP Government cuts Prescription charges to help ensure the sickest and poorest in society can afford to buy medicine

Dear All

One of the good things which are happening year on year is that the SNP Government is continually reducing the cost of Prescription charges.

From April, the cost will fall again to £3.

Although there is never a good time to be sick, at least the cost of treatment is dropping.

As well as the dropping of the cost; the SNP next year plan to abolish the charges altogether.

The move will benefit 600,000 people whose live will be made just that little bit better and allow them to keep more money in the pocket.

The Tories and the Lib Dems opposed the measure and the Labour Party after saying they supported it voted against the funding.

True petty politics from Labour who are so incompetent that it beggars belief why anyone would vote for them!

If you support it, you vote for the funding.

Charges for ordinary prescriptions will fall to £3 from the beginning of April with prepayment certificates falling to £10 for a three month prescription.

SNP health Minister Shona Robison said;

"We're committed to scrapping prescription charges and removing this tax on ill-health, which hits those on low incomes hardest. We want our national health service to be restored to its founding principles - free at the point of delivery and based on clinical need, not ability to pay”.

All pretty good stuff, the NHS was set up for exactly that purpose.

What a pity, all parties don’t support that stance.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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