Friday, February 19, 2010

Labour MP James Purnell sees the writing on the wall, there is no future in the Labour Party led by Gordon Brown, he is off at plumpton

Dear All

Labour MP James Purnell is quitting the House of Commons at the General Election to seek new challenges.

Smart move, bale out and get a new job like Andrew MacKay, no point in waiting about to get canned.

Purnell is one of the few remaining Blairites who had an outside chance of becoming Labour leader.

This is a blow to the Labour Party that one of its ‘stars’ sees no future in the Labour Party at present.

It’s a career decision, he suddenly left the Cabinet last June, fiercely criticising the Prime Minister's leadership.

I think he would have stayed on if Gordon Brown had stepped down but Brown isn’t prepared to give up the reins of power.

After the defeat of the Labour Party at the General Election, I expect to see a period of civil war to get him out.

Purnell joins the long line of Blairite former Cabinet ministers who are leaving at the election, including Stephen Byers, Alan Milburn, Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt.

It seems that Gordon Brown can’t generate the loyalty required to hold on to people.

Purnell will get offers for jobs as he is part of the social/political elite, I would expect him to pop up back up again in an NGO or private company with a six figure salary.

Another set back for the Labour Party.

His decision is not ideological but simple pounds and pence.

He is a careerist and wants to continue having a career after the General Election.

There is no future in Labour under Brown!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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