Sunday, February 14, 2010

Labour MP Anne Moffat waits to find out of the Labour NEC will approve deselecting her, it's a coin flip

Dear All

Some people who enter public office are so disliked that their problem isn’t the opposition; rather it is the people who work with them.

In the case of Labour MP Anne Moffat, her greatest threat is members of her own party.

Labour Activists in her East Lothian seat who want her deselected.

How bad is the opposition?

Labour members voted five-to-one in favour of choosing another candidate for the general election.

Her troubles follow years of bitter infighting brought on by a series of personality clashes with her and her activists.

She sacked three popular local staff on the eve of the 2005 election and has never won back the trust of the members.

Previous attempts to deselect her failed because of the union block vote.

So the a vote to re-open candidate selection by Labour’s ruling National Executive Committee (NEC) will decide if Moffat has a case to answer, if so, she is history.

Things are so bad for her that Labour MSP Iain Gray is AWOL in regard to his support for her.

Effectively she has been cut adrift to sink or swim with a few supporters to rely on.

With an election so close, the NEC might wish to keep her but her position is far from secure as those who oppose her probably won’t come out and campaign for her.

Her fate probably doesn’t rest on ‘right or wrong’ but what is expedient to the Labour Party.

As well as her unpopularity, she has to pay back £2,873 in Westminster expenses.

Someone should flip a coin.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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