Saturday, February 20, 2010

Labour Councillor Jon Findlay thinks accountability and openness is “naïve in the extreme”, wisdom from cash cow protector designate

Dear All

Mud, mud, glorious mud

Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood

So follow me follow, down to the hollow

And there let me wallow in glorious mud”

Yes, that is what politics in part is about; throwing the goo and hope it will stick.

Down at the Labour Cash cow, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, war has broken out.

As people in other parties are angry at how the SPT has been treated under the Labour Party.

They are publicly saying that the SPT must adopt a much more cross-party approach if it is to get over the crisis that has seen three senior figures resign this week.

This is the only sensible way forward and why it never realised in the first place isn’t a mystery.

I say greed is the problem.

The stricken quango has been used as a Labour Party plaything and they have run it into the ground that is why they were stripped of powers.

Stick enough donkeys in the same room and low and behold they will shit on the floor.

If public trust is to be rebuilt then the Glasgow Labour Party cannot be allowed to continue to run their monopoly of the top positions on the board and in the executive.

Since when did the SPT become the travel agent for the Glasgow Labour Party to take foreign junkets at the taxpayers’ expenses?

The Labour reply to the idea of opening up their SPT cash row has met with resistance by incoming Labour placeman, Councillor Jon Findlay.

He calls the idea of accountability and openness “naïve in the extreme”.

SNP Renfrewshire Council leader Derek MacKay, said;

“We need real openness and accountability at the top of SPT with a chair and vice-chairs from different parties and different authorities. That is a system that works in Cosla. There is no reason why SPT cannot do the same and I urge councils across Strathclyde to back this approach”.

Given the Labour Party brought this mess on themselves, you would think they want to want to respond to change but money is on the table and they aren’t giving it up.

Although not an SPT member, the Labour Party are determined to force Labour Councillor Jon Findlay through as new chairman-designate, they aren’t waiting for an SPT board meeting which speaks volumes about accountability.

The Glasgow Labour Party want to keep their cash cow and travel agent intact, it is a disgusting way to act.

I wonder will Findlay be presenting an agenda of travel so Labour Councillors can continue to support Glasgow Rangers.

I expect Findlay to do nothing but move deckchairs, this quango should be abolished by the SNP Government.

The Labour Party can save up for their holidays like the rest of the public.

Junket to Wemyss Bay?

What no football stadium!!!!!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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