Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ex-MI6 Spy and Tory Chairman, Andrew Fulton welcomes Satty Singh, the “curry king of Glasgow” to the Tory fold

Dear All

There isn’t much difference between New Labour and the Tories.

That is why people can swop from one party to the other with easy.

Shaun Woodward is a classic example, Tory to Labour.

But people can travel the other way as did long-standing Labour supporter, Satty Singh, the “curry king of Glasgow”.

He has joined the Tory Party; at least he can drop the pretence of believing in fairness and social justice which Labour spout to the poor.

The Tories are the Party of greed.

His decision is odd, who in their right mind in Scotland would want to join the Tories in the first place?

Singh said;

“If the Conservatives win the election, it is crucial we have Conservative MPs from Scotland at the heart of government representing our interests”.

Oh dear, he thinks that English Tories are interested in the views of people from Scotland.

That poor deluded guy, I feel sorry for him.

One of the seats he highlights that Tories may take at the General Election is East Renfrewshire.

It is a genuine three way contest between Labour, Tories and Lib Dems, the seat is currently held by Jim Murphy of the Labour Party.

In getting a little carried away with himself he declared;

“but the Conservatives just need people to realise that if they vote Conservative, then they will get a Conservative MP”.

In opposed to someone from another Party?

I don’t think that long time Labour voter Mr. Singh is very active in politics as he said;

“If we want David Cameron to be the next Prime Minister, then we need to start voting Conservative.”

I am sure primary school children could work that out!

His declaration of undying political love has been warmly welcomed by the Tories on the eve of the Tory leader’s keynote speech at the Scottish Conservative conference in Perth tomorrow.

Andrew Fulton, Ex- MI6 spy currently in place as Scottish Conservative chairman, said;

“Satty is another welcome recruit to the Conservative cause. He is one of many people the length and breadth of the country who are saying it’s time for a change.”

But people aren’t voting MI6 and Tory in Scotland!

Of the Tories, he says he is genuinely impressed by the Conservative Party’s commitment to broaden its appeal to every section of our community.

An admission that the Tories were very much a party of the rich by the rich for the rich!

They have just changed the window dressing but still some people do get taken in.

Just goes to show how fickle Labour Party members are in Scotland when they jump to the Tories.

His jumping is almost as bad as former SNP Councillor Alex Dingwall jumping to the Lib Dems in Glasgow, a road to nowhere.

Scottish people hate Tories.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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