Monday, February 1, 2010

Champagne Socialist Wendy Alexander spends the afternoon at the gym as SNP Minister Alex Neil sorts out her GHA pig in a poke

Dear All

The GHA is Scotland’s largest social landlord, as an organisation it has failed the people of Glasgow.

Unsurprisingly it was set up by Labour MSP Wendy Alexander, its political architect; the people of Glasgow were sold a pig in a poke.

The organisation has been subject to complaint after complaint by tenants and homeowners who have bought properties in GHA buildings.

This arm’s length body is effectively a Labour guango.

The GHA was set as a temporary measure to transfer homes to community ownership.

It has been fighting stage transfer (SST) all the way, which has prompted the Scottish Government to act to push that along.

The pace of change could be described as slow.

And the tenants are suffering because of it.

Housing Minister Alex Neil is today endorsing moves which will see tens of thousands of tenants’ breakaway from Scotland’s largest social landlord.

Housing should never have been transferred out of Glasgow City Council.

So, as SNP Minister Alex Neil gets about making things better for the people of Glasgow today, clearing up Wendy Alexander’s mess, where is she?

Is she fighting for better housing for the people?

Is she fighting for people in her constituency?

Is she fighting for a fairer Scotland?


This afternoon, Champagne socialist, Labour MSP Wendy Alexander is at a private gym in the trendy west end of Glasgow.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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