Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Catholic Church launch blistering attack on Labour MP Jim Murphy, 'men of faith' don't vote New Labour

Dear All

Yesterday Labour MP Jim Murphy was trying to corner the religious market for himself and the Labour Party.

Today that strategy has blown up in his face as the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland has accused the Labour government of conducting a "systematic and unrelenting attack on family values".

Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland said;

“we have witnessed this government undertake a systematic and unrelenting attack on family values. This is a charge I personally put to Gordon Brown when we met in 2008 and I have seen no evidence since then to suggest anything has changed."

The intervention by leader of Roman Catholics is further proof of how ‘men of faith’ are rejecting the Labour message.

In East Renfrewshire, Murphy needs every volunteer he can lay his hands on to survive a credible Tory challenge.

And Murphy hasn’t been shy in holding meetings and bringing up the heavy hitters like Peter Mandelson in order to sell the pitch in the community.

Previously Murphy used the BNP as a scare tactic even although they don’t represent any kind of threat, he was using them as a glue to try and bond religious groups to him.

Cardinal O’Brien went further in his attack by accusing the Labour Government of "undermining religious freedom".

It seems that Murphy’s attempt to capture the religious market has been seen for what it is a sham, a crude con trick of an increasingly desperate man to cling onto power.

He will do and say anything to try and hold on to power, the election is now so close that the gloves are coming off.

With seemingly the Catholic Church against him, the list of potential helpers is rapidly shrinking.

I would say that if people are ‘of faith’ they have no business voting for the Labour Party.

The hundreds of thousands of dead littering the Middle East cannot speak, killed in Labour’s foreign crusades with America.

Those here in Britain have a duty to speak for them, even although they were not citizens of this country.

The verdict on Labour MP Jim Murphy is guilty.

The Catholic Church has spoken and taken a lead, it is something we should follow and ensure that Murphy is voted out of public office permanently.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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