Friday, February 26, 2010

Binyam Mohamed case reminds us that you can't trust the Labour Government, they knew of torture and kept quiet

Dear All

Relations between the Government and the judiciary were at breaking point today.

The judges in the Court of Appeal have reinstated a judge's criticism of MI5.

My words;

‘they are a bunch of lying bastards’.

Binyam Mohamed case is well known in which he was systematically and brutally tortured and the British Government knew what was going on and did nothing.

It is by far one of the most infamous torture cases in modern political history.

Lord Neuberger, Master of the Rolls, openly questioned the honesty of MI5 officers.

The British Government via the Foreign Office has been trying to suppress as much as possible their involvement coming out into the public domain.

Why are they so embarrassed?

Just the slight matter of Binyam Mohamed being innocent and not a terrorist!

Today, in the interests of "open justice", Lord Neuberger and two other top judges reinstated the paragraph, rewritten to make the criticism focus on the Binyam Mohamed case.

They also took the correct decision to publish the original draft text.

Human Rights Groups such as Amnesty International, Liberty and Reprieve are now calling for a full public inquiry into allegations that UK spy agencies colluded in toture during George W Bush's "War on Terror".

Labour Ministers have reacted badly to the Judges decision with Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, saying that he was deeply disappointed by the court's decision to "criticise the Security Service in this way".

Given that ‘we’ are supposed to be fighting for democracy, law and order and to uphold the human rights of others, their position is somewhat bizarre to say the least.

Johnson added;

“We totally reject any suggestion that the Security Services have a systemic problem in respecting human rights. We wholly reject too that they have any interest in suppressing or withholding information from ministers or the courts."

So, why did they stand by while Binyam Mohamed was systematically tortured?

Why is the British Government spending a fortune suppressing the truth?

The Labour Government stood at the dispatch box at the House of Commons and continually denied Britain was aware of torture.

42 classified CIA documents given to MI5 show they were aware that Mr Mohamed was being continuously deprived of sleep, threatened with rendition and being subjected to "significant mental stress and suffering" while being detained by the CIA.


If the choice is between carrying on a one sided ‘special relationship’ with the Americans or upholding the human rights of an innocent, it is clear that the Labour Government seems to favour human rights abusers.

On January 27, 2010, it was reported that the "United Nations human rights investigators have concluded that the British government has been complicit in the mistreatment and possible torture of several of its own citizens during the "war on terror".

Labour’s Gordon Brown recently called for ‘a future fair for all’.

A future were the truth is suppressed is fair?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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