Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bill Kidd MSP welcomes funding boost for Drumchapel Citizens Advice Bureau by the SNP Scottish Government, its what public service is about, help

Dear All

There is money in them there hills, well in Drumchapel at least.

Drumchapel Citizens Advice has received a welcome funding through from the Scottish Government’s Third Sector Resilience Fund.

One of the good things is that SNP MSPs have been highlighting to organisations for sometime that money is available for them to claim.

This proactive stance does them credit as the organisations funded play a vital role in the community particularly Citizens Advice.

The Scottish Government also recognises the importance of the Third Sector Resilience Fund by ploughing in extra resources to help as much as possible.

A bit more cash in the fund would be welcome but it is the right direction.

The money going to Drumchapel CAB will fund a post to support and develop volunteers to provide financial inclusion advice in response to increased demand created by the current economic circumstances.
Volunteers are effectively the lifeblood of so many little organisations whose main aim is to help as many people as possible and mostly they operate on a shoestring but their effect on people’s lives can be enormous.

SNP MSP Bill Kidd said;

"I am delighted that the Drumchapel Citizens Advice Bureau is to benefit from this funding, which will allow staff to meet the increased demand in financial inclusion advice”.

And that is what you get when you vote in an SNP elected representative into public office, help.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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