Wednesday, February 17, 2010

BBC TV Presenter confesses to murder and gets arrested by Police, he thinks it wasn't a crime because his pal said okay

Dear All

TV presenter Ray Gosling casually admitted on air that he killed someone.

But that’s okay in his mind because he knew the guy was suffering, so he took a pillow and smothered him.

He said that he made a pact with his lover to act if his suffering increased.

The Nottinghamshire Police have now arrested him on suspicion of murder.

A police spokesman said;

"A 70-year-old Nottingham man was arrested earlier on suspicion of murder following comments made on the BBC's Inside Out programme on Monday evening."

His defence centres on he made a pact so in his eyes it was okay.

Sorry son, the law doesn’t work that way.

Assisted suicide seems to be the latest craze for the liberal intelligentsia on getting rid of the suffering as a ‘kindness’.

So, what should happen to Gosling?

Remanded for Trial and refused bail.

He is a killer no matter what way you try and parcel this up to look nice.

Of his action Gosling remarked he was aware of the possible consequences and had no regrets.

His solicitor said;

"Ray has been at the police station for approaching five hours and investigations are at a very early stage. He's in good spirits but these are very difficult times for Ray”.

You would think that his solicitor was trying to put across the notion he is some kind of celebrity and we should all be concerned for his feelings.

This looks like it could be dropped to manslaughter with a six year sentence by the CPS.

He has a new experience coming up, prison.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Shame he didnt do it to Margo I mean she wants to be killed so badly.......
    Problem is for some psychopathic reason she wants to take as many as she can with her.

  2. Dear Mxyzptlk

    I do not agree with her bill.

    I think bad law is made when personal interest dominates the thinking of a politician.

    Her problem is her problem, she should try to involve others(the state) as some kind of executioner.

    It is against the oath that doctors swear to uphold.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. I am wary of the 'state' ever being allowed to kill its citizens....

    Where will it end?

    if many years ago we had decide to kill the elderly and the sick and the disabled.

    With compassion of course to end their terrible suffering.
    What would the be the current level of medical science...still in the Victorian age no doubt
