Monday, February 22, 2010

Alex Salmond and the SNP Government have a laugh as unionist parties want English organisation to control Scotland's independence referendum

Dear All

In a flash of brilliance the SNP Government has decided to set up a special body to a future referendum on independence.

Presumably they have woken up to the fact that Labour’s fifth column; the shadow government of NGO’s are not to be trusted.

By shutting out the Electoral Commission which is stuffed with Labour sycophants they are taking a necessary first step in order to restore democracy again.

Although the Electoral Commission has a statutory role to run referenda called by Westminster, it has no formal role in those called by the Scottish Parliament.

The new body is to be called the Scottish Referendum Commission.

In trying to force their presence into this purely Scottish matter, the Electoral Commission said that when the government sets out the referendum on full independence, it would "consider it and submit a response".

The decision to shut out the Labour controlled quango has upset unionist parties who have been quite blatant in accusing the SNP of trying to ‘rig’ the referendum.

Scottish Labour's Pauline McNeill said;

‘the "revelations expose how the SNP is trying to rig a referendum by getting round the rules".

Since the Electoral Commission do not have a formal role in Holyrood referendums no rules are being broken.

Yet again, it is more twisted Labour lies to keep Scotland as a country under English occupation.

Scottish Tory leader, Annabel Goldie, said First Minister Alex Salmond's "separation bill" was a "monumental waste of taxpayers' money and would fail".

Why the fear?

Why are so many unionists who allegedly promote democracy and claim it should be exported overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan wanting to deny the Scottish people their right to be heard?

Why is okay for an Afghani to be free and Scotsman not?

Goldie added;

"While the rest of the world is trying to get people back into work and create jobs, Alex Salmond is wasting time and money on a doomed referendum plan”.

This statement shows how desperate and unaware Goldie is, the fear of English control has kept her and her party hostage.

Couldn’t the Scottish Tory Party run an independent Scotland?

Couldn’t the British Labour Party (Scottish region) run an independent Scotland?

Goldie then went off in a rant by stating;

“"The Electoral Commission is there to be the neutral referee. By ordering the referee off the pitch, Alex Salmond is trying to avoid the scrutiny."

No, what I think is being said is saying is that the Scottish Government has no faith in an English controlled and English based organisation controlled by London Labour.

The SNP Government want a truly independent and neutral referee.

It will be Scottish people who decide Scotland’s future, not London Labour.

The last colony of the English Empire is leaving.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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