Tuesday, February 23, 2010

64% of the British Public think Afghan war is unwinnable but Mad Dog Gordon Brown is so weak he can't save British lives by leaving

Dear All

I have been saying it for so long that it is the stuff of legend.

The Afghan war is unwinnable.

Now, 64% of British people agree with me according to a recent BBC poll.

And the results are bad for Gordon Brown personally, more than two thirds (69%) also think that the government has not done all it can to support British forces fighting in the conflict.

It is another indication of how the personal failure of Gordon Brown has cost lives.

Innocent lives!

Gordon Brown is no war leader.

The fight that needs fought in British politics is the fight to save British Troops lives by bringing them home.

At present domestic politics is losing over international politics because Brown and Cameron are in the pocket of the USA.

At present Operation Moshtarak is in full swing but although it can take ground in pitch battles due to superior firepower it cannot win the soul of the Afghan people in those areas.

Afghanistan is a war with purpose and without end.

63% of respondents to a BBC Newsnight poll agreed when asked if they thought that whoever formed the next government should commit to removing Britain's armed forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2010.

The Dutch Government has already collapsed over the issue of Dutch troops remain in the Afghan warzone.

The classic statement of the Vietnam War was Walter Cronkite who summed up the war as unwinnable; it is the same as Afghanistan.

He said;

“it is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out then will be to negotiate, not as victors, but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy, and did the best they could”.

In January 2010, Gordon Brown at the 70-nation London summit on the future of Afghanistan said that mid-2011 should be the deadline for "turning the tide" in the fight against insurgents in Afghanistan.

The tide always comes back in.

Gordon Brown has lost the support of the British people.

Newsnight has a special programme on defence tonight, Tuesday 23 February 2010 at 2230 on BBC Two.

Make your own mind up, 69% have already come to the same conclusion that I reached, it is time to leave and save British lives.

Only a madman like Gordon Brown can’t face reality.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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