Saturday, January 23, 2010

UK sells Bomb detectors costing $40,000 a pop and they don't detect bombs, the best of British?

Dear All

Britain exports Bomb detectors that don’t work.

Seems about right given we have a Labour Government in power.

After an investigation by the BBC, the Director of the UK Company selling them, Jim McCormick has been arrested and charged.

This piece of useless crap was sold to 20 countries, some in the Middle East.

After the scandal was uncovered, the Labour Government has decided to act; horses and stable doors come to mind.

Jim McCormick has been arrested on charges of fraud by misrepresentation for selling his bomb detector ADE-651.

The Iraqis have been stung to the tune of £52 million that is 40,000 dollars a pop.

The con involved by McCormick saying the device used special electronic cards slotted into it to detect explosives.

But they contained only a tag used by shops to prevent theft.

I think if convicted that the Court should use the Proceeds of Crime Act to recover all the money paid to his company so that he doesn’t benefit from it. The money should be returned to those countries that paid for this device.

And McCormick should be looking at a substantial spell in prison.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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