Monday, January 4, 2010

The Labour Party uses victims of crime to try and circumvent an independent judiciary in Scotland

Dear All

Oh dear oh dear.

The Labour Party ‘carry a knife go to jail for four years’ has hit the buffers.

Before Christmas, it was four years, now in the January sales; the price has dropped to 6 months.

The premise of the Labour Party argument isn’t anything to do with justice for victims, it is to introduce the concept of guilty until proven innocent.

The Labour Party's “justice” spokesman Richard Baker continues the Cathy ‘moron’ Jamieson tradition of seeking to pervert the course of justice by any means possible.

As per Labour’s usual modus operandi, they have latched on to a victim of crime’s family to run this human rights abusing measure to circumvent the independence of the judiciary.

From a person receiving a fair trial, they are to be simply processed.

The Labour Party is currently using a 70-year-old, John Muir as cover, to garner public support, behind the proposal however is something more sinister.

Anti-knife campaigner John Muir, from Greenock, said;

"This is a brilliant step in the right direction”.

I have previously commented on the disgusting practice of the Labour Party using vulnerable people for political gain, 2010 is more of the same. John Muir is being cynically used and doesn’t even know it.

Would his son want innocent people put in prison?

At present, Labour want an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill going through Holyrood.

If they win the vote to insert this clause, the crime bill should be scrapped by the Scottish Government.

Without an independent judiciary, Scotland takes one step closer to being a fascist state.

It already operates as a corrupt one.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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