Monday, January 18, 2010

Gordon Brown talks about fairness, but no one is going to change Glasgow University's culture of corruption and bullying

Dear All

In order to appear to be addressing the problem of top down discrimination by the middle class, Labour has promised to help up to 130,000 of the "brightest" young people from poorer families.

The idea is to get these people into college and university to show that the Labour Party is serious about the injustices of the past.

The plan is all about window dressing under what is described as a "structured package of support" from 2012, to help break the "glass ceiling of social mobility".

No mention on tackling those who operate the “glass ceiling” which report after report highlights the inequality they cause.

As well as failing to tackling the problem of why working class young people are discriminated against Brown, airbrushes completely out of the picture the nub of the issue.

Those who have been failed by the education system and have become adrift from mainstream society, these people get the worst housing, jobs, social and equality opportunities.

On this, one of the most serious issues of modern corrupt Britain; he is silent.

Recently, in a recent report on the prison population of Scotland, half of male prisons are illiterate, struck in a continual cycle of reoffending and returning to prison.

It is of no surprise that areas like medicine and law are dominated by people from affluent families.


Because they control the interview system and although they can’t alter a person’s qualifications, they can deny opportunity under the shroud of their rules and regulations through that process.

Gordon Brown isn’t prepared to tackle that issue because he is after the middle class vote.

I personally know about discrimination from my time at the University of Glasgow.

The University of Glasgow operate a secret policy of discrimination against working class people.

The current Principal of University of Glasgow, Anton Muscatelli is a corrupt individual who doesn’t believe in fairness and equality.

If he did, he wouldn’t have stayed silent when senior management staff was involved in multiple criminal fraud in a publicly funded charity. A fuller explanation of this fraud is available to read here.

The Labour Party isn’t going to change things for the poor and the smoke and mirrors of a paper trail will fool no one.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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