Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Alex Salmond and the Scottish Government go the extra mile and put their money where their money is to help disabled people back into work

Dear All

Is early 2010 and the SNP Government isn’t hanging about, it’s up and it’s out helping people.

The Labour Party continues to carp about the SNP Scottish Government not being there for people when the opposite is the truth.

First Minister Alex Salmond has set out plans to get the Glencraft factory which employed blind and disabled workers back in production.

Aberdeen-based energy firm Production Services Network (PSN) and the SNP Government has stepped in to secure the future of the city’s Glencraft factory.

The factory was closed in November 2009 after losing £70,000 a month.

The SNP Government have been working hard to get funding worked out so that a new firm can be launched giving the former employees back their jobs and their dignity.

Alex Salmond said;

“I am confident that the expertise and support of this very successful global business will get Glencraft back on track.”

The new company called Glencraft (Social Enterprise) Ltd will still retain charitable status.

The former company employed about 50 people, 31 of whom are disabled who were involved in the manufacture of divan sets and mattresses.

If there had been a Labour controlled Scottish Government, these people would have no future.

That is the stark reality of what voting SNP at election time means, standing up for public service, and standing up for people.

And now, it is on to helping others.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Excellent piece of work.

    That is what government is about.

  2. Dear Tris

    Good news story but more important than the headline is that the people got help.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Oh that is what I meant George!

  4. Dear Tris

    I know but I get Labour supporters sniffing round my blog, they don't know the difference.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
