Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 maybe a new year but Jackie Baillie and the Labour Party's stupidity are eternal, health will be Baillie's graveyard

Dear All

The New Year heralds the start of the Labour ‘foot in mouth problem’, not on the farms of Scotland but in the Holyrood Parliament.

Jackie Baillie is Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing and a joke.

Recently she asked;

Jackie Baillie (Dumbarton) (Lab): To ask the Scottish Executive how the Scottish Ambulance Services performed against response time targets in (a) 2007-08 and (b) 2008-09, broken down by (i) NHS board area and (ii) parliamentary constituency.

Now, the bad news for her and the Labour Party!

(S3W-29651) Nicola Sturgeon: The Scottish Ambulance Service national response time target for category A calls (life threatening) across mainland Scotland is that, by March 2009, 75% of all incidents should be reached within eight minutes. This measure is also part of the NHS Scotland HEAT Performance Management system.The Scottish Ambulance Service national response time target for category B calls (serious but not life threatening) across mainland Scotland is that, by March 2009, 95% of all incidents should be reached within 14, 19 or 21 minutes depending on population density.These targets are ones that the Scottish Ambulance Service were working towards during 2007-08 and 2008-09. The performance information requested is set out in the following table. Information broken down by parliamentary constituency is not held centrally.

The SNP Government takes health seriously and unlike the Labour Party who ruled by decree and diktat, the Scottish Government works in partnership with people at all levels of the health service.

The success of the SNP Government’s health policies is partnership.

Despite repeated attempts to smear the Health Secretary and the SNP on this issue, the people recognise that the SNP stands for public service, a concept long abandoned by Labour’s middle class careerists.

For Jackie Baillie, like Cathy Jamieson previously, the health portfolio is Labour’s graveyard.

Something she should think about while munching her way through taxpayer funded biscuits.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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