Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gordon Brown's fake hand of friendship to British Forces is rejected as he tries to buy loyalty with helicopters

Dear All

The UK Labour Government has signaled that our troops will receive 22 new helicopters in Afghanistan.

To pay for the 22 helicopters, savage cuts will be introduced at the Ministry of Defence.

What does this mean?

It means that the Afghan war pull out from 2011 is completely bogus.

Bungling Bob Ainsworth, the Defence Secretary said that the first 10 Chinooks would be deployed by 2013.

British Forces aren’t going anywhere but I expect more announcements of troops withdrawals to increase before the General Election as Gordon Brown and the Labour Party play the ‘I’m getting our boys home card’.

The MOD is effectively going to asset strip itself to continue to fund an unwinnable war, bases in Britain will close and jobs of thousands will be lost and then there is the British death toll to top it.

Some RAF stations are in doubt regarding staying open and squadrons are in danger of being mothballed.

National Audit Office is warned the military of a £36 billion deficit over the next 10 years.

The plan is a knee jerk reaction to mounting criticism that Labour and Gordon Brown have cut funding denying essential equipment being provided to the troops fighting Helmand and elsewhere.

It is short term and badly thought-out.

With budgets being slashed it appears that everything effectively is being done to just win a counter-insurgency campaign against the Taleban.

This would leave the British Forces incapable of responding to a conventional threat, effectively leaving British dependencies defenceless.

The Afghan war is unwinnable because the threat isn’t just a matter of taking on the counter-insurgency; it involves changing the culture of a people.

There is no real strategy for that objective.

To safe lives means withdrawal.
Gordon Brown is no war leader, he is total inept and out of his depth.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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