Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Pre budget flop makes 25th March 2009 more likely for the General Election

Dear All

So, we have had the pre budget report from the UK Labour Government and had a glimpse of how inept and incompetent they have been managing the UK economy.

Gordon Brown allowed the banks and the wealthy to drive it into the ground.

The bad news is that there is worse to come, much worse, cuts in budgets, pay freezes and higher taxes.

The Tory George Osborne quips that Labour should "never be trusted" with people's money again.

But then he misses out that the Tories cannot be trusted either and not just with money.

Shadow chancellor George Osborne describes the pre-Budget report as a "catastrophe".

Well, it is, one council has pushed through a 9% cuts package.

Every family in the UK is paying the price for Labour's mismanagement of the economy, if you earn over £20,000, you are going to pay more tax as a result.

Labour has issued pledges on spending and deficit cutting but I think we will see that the social elite will structure such cuts to protect themselves from the worst effects.

George Osborne, who I think is not credible, says the Tories would take action to reduce the deficit while protecting the poorest in society.

They have no track record of helping the poor in the past that I am aware of.

The Labour Government is a doomed Government treading water like John Major’s before the defeat at the General ElectionParty, It has had lost the "moral authority" to govern and is held in contempt.

I suspect the Labour Party will call the General Election on 25th March 2010 so that it doesn’t have to introduce a cuts budget and will run on a smoke and mirrors campaign of the recession is over, try to fool the gullible.

The General Election offers no choice of Government; it’s either Tory cuts or New Labour cuts being pushed through the UK Parliament.

It is an election in England of who do you hate least.

In Scotland however, the SNP have a real chance of increasing their number of seats at Westminister if they can make a substantial case to the people.

This General Election may result in a hung Parliament with smaller parties holding the balance of power; this could benefit Scotland and help show the people how effective SNP representation is.

The budget was all about electioneering and I would bet that Gordon Brown will be weighing up the 25th March for the election so that he doesn’t have to introduce the cuts budget.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. God post George.

    This is a catastrophic government. There should be some way thatw e can force them out of power right away. They are laughing stock of the world.

  2. Dear Tris

    I hope that I make my blog interesting and give people food for thought.

    I like to sometimes offer opinion that provokes others to stand and think about what I say and why I say it.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
