Thursday, December 17, 2009

Education is in part all about problem solving, SNP Minister Mike Russell should sort his problem out now or resign

Dear All

The Mark MacLachlan episode is a PR disaster for the SNP.

And the worst is, it was a storm in a teacup, future chip paper wrappers.

Over at Yapping Yousuf, the poor lad is overwhelmed by this early xmas present from the SNP.

He said;

“It's not often that I'm lost for words but I genuinely don't know what to say following the release of emails between Cybernat blogger Mark Maclachlan and Mike Russell with following revelations”.

With the Labour Party it usually revolves around calling for people to resign from Ministerial Office.

Yousuf clearly enjoying himself stated that Mark MacLachlan is

1/ Accusing Mike Russell knew of the blog and helped getting photographs for it

2/ Russell allegedly also suggested the shocking smear about a married MSP picking up young men as well as the smears of Scottish Labour General Secretary Colin Smyth

3/ Mark tried to use his interview with the Sunday Times as leverage to get a public job in a quango.

So, a stupid little event has been blown completely out of proportion.

Kevin Pringle, I keep hearing that name in the SNP as if he is something special, allegedly stuck his oar in.

Thanks Kevin, you really achieved something “special” on this.

Kevin Pringle is alleged to have written a resignation letter and claimed it was from Mark MacLachlan, without his permission, that is deception.

Did he think this won’t come out?

Maybe Alex Salmond needs a new advisor!

I have read the redacted emails from Mark MacLachlan and Mike Russell, I was previously unhappy about Mike Russell’s performance in this matter; his stock just went into liquidation.

It maybe that Alex Salmond needs to personally take charge and sort out this mess as for Mike Russell.

Type up a resignation letter and hand it in.

Finally, I have a lot of sympathy for Alex Salmond, there is he running around like mad 24/7 for all of us and he can’t trust people to keep their feet out of their mouth.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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