Sunday, November 29, 2009

The verdict on Colin Smyth, “There’s a kind of barracking, hectoring tone and I don’t think he realises how unpleasant it is for the rest of us.”

Dear All

Bad behaviour seems to be topical at the moment in the press.

Colin Smyth is the Scottish General Secretary of the British Labour Party (Scottish region).

Smyth is also a Labour Councillor who was ordered out of a meeting of Dumfries & Galloway Council.

His behaviour has been described as “boorish”.

Boorish means;

‘unrefined in speech or manners; loutish; ill-bred; uncivilized; coarse’ according to an online dictionary.

The reason, he was kicked out of a Council meeting was that he kept disrupting a debate on childcare; this prompted other councillors to vote to remove him.

As General Secretary of the British Labour Party (Scottish region), Smyth is tasked to control Labour MPs, MSPs and Councillors running off at the mouth.

Smyth has allegedly been found guilty under a rule designed to punish disrespect and “obstructive or offensive behaviour”.

So what was Smyth complaining about in what was described as a “barracking, hectoring tone”?

The closing of nurseries by the Tory Council so would he be equally disgusted by the antics of Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Glasgow Labour Council of shame?

I would think not, I would opine that his ‘outrage’ stops when it is a Labour Council cutting vital services.

I haven’t read a word in print about him opposing the Labour Council of shame in Glasgow closing schools.

Independent Councillor Jane Maitland said;

“There’s a kind of barracking, hectoring tone and I don’t think he realises how unpleasant it is for the rest of us.”

Mrs Maitland went on to claim the atmosphere at the council had deteriorated and Smyth had contributed to an “atmosphere of disrespect”.

Labour Councillor Ronnie Nicholson said;

“This is a chilling attempt at political censorship”.

Exercising political censorship himself, Labour General Secretary Colin Smyth is refusing to comment.

Had so much to say earlier as well!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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