Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tory MP Julie Kirkbride wants to continue laughing and spitting in the faces of the public

Dear All

At the height of the MP’s scandal, we were treated to the knowledge that Julie Kirkbride and her husband Andrew Mackay Tory MP’s had both used their second homes allowances so that they had zero costs at both their homes.

Although it was within the rules, it was morally despicable and prompted outrage, it also came to light that Kirkbride’s family were employed by her via the taxpayer.

Her Dorset-based sister, Karen Leadley, was being paid £12,000 to act as her secretary from her home in Corfe Mullen, over a hundred miles away.


Conservative MP Julie Kirkbride is now refusing to comment on reports that she has changed her mind about standing down over expenses revelations and withdrawn her resignation.

She has allegedly told the Bromsgrove Conservative Association she wants to rescind her resignation, this means she could stand again in the forthcoming General Election.

When questioned on this report directly by the BBC; she said she had “nothing to say" other than what she had said in May.

It would seem obvious that Kirkbride wants to minimise bad publicity to the last possible moment in order to increase her election chances.

Should she be allowed to stand for election given the conduct of both herself and husband?

I would say the answer has to be no.

If Kirkbride is allowed to stand again, what signal does it send out?

I would say that the corrupt sit rule Britain, I previously commented on the 24th July 2009 that we haven’t seen the last of Julie Kirkbride and I have been proven correct.

I would say in my opinion given the circumstances she is unfit to stand for public office given her behaviour in it.

Now Kirkbride is pinning her hopes on a clean bill of health if she was cleared by Sir Thomas Legg's audit of the past four years' expenses claims.

Is the rational that she didn’t know anything about what her husband was up to regarding his expenses claims?

How could I put it, if the explanation was given to me as a response?

Absolute wank!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Julie Kirkbride proves the theory that good looking women can get away with anything........

    I say they should let her stand as their MP.........Guilty smilty who cares

  2. Dear Mxyzptlk

    You may be right.

    All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
