Monday, November 30, 2009

SNP Councillor Willie Sawers asks questions about Glasgow North East but is he ready to stomach the answers?

Dear All

Tom Gordon is a political reporter who writes for the Herald Group newspapers, he claims that a civil war has erupted within the SNP.

How wrong he is, but there is a lot to be said internally about the way the SNP conduct by-elections.

Willie Sawers is the SNP organisation convener who has attacked rank-and-file members for “a remarkable level of complacency” during the campaign.

Is that a fair criticism?

The SNP is a volunteer organisation and it is the job of the people who mange that organisation to ensure that all help, training and manpower is made available to rank and file activists on the ground.

So, if criticism is to be proportioned regarding Glasgow North East then everyone should have the opportunity to speak on this subject at a special meeting.

You can’t accuse rank-and-file members for “a remarkable level of complacency” during the campaign when they have effectively no input to the campaign.

The campaign whether Mr. Sawers likes it or not was run by the people of Dundee, the people of Glasgow had no say on anything, that issue needs to be addressed.

Willie Sawers says that a “huge opportunity” to engage with locals and build a database of voters over the summer had been squandered.

It sounds like a fair observation but where was the manpower to do it going to come from?

If you are going to engage the public then surely activists need to be taught presentation skills?

Where is that on the SNP website?

Where are the courses that the senior SNP figures should have put in place?

Mr. Sawers rightly says;

“If we wish to win by-elections then we simply must put in more work on the ground no election is won on polling day”.

That is true but rank and file activists don’t decide how to campaign or what work is undertaken, that is the responsibility of the branch officials.

Willie Sawers, it is said has wrote an extraordinarily blunt private report to be presented to the SNP’s National Council in Perth next weekend.

I would suggest that the SNP send this or make it available to their members, if people don’t know what the problem is, it can’t be fixed.

And they might not like some of the answers coming back either.

Mr Sawers says the Glasgow North East is a “disappointing result” which raises “a questions about how the SNP campaign in by-elections” and about the role of activists.

I would also say that the role of those in charge must be addressed as well.

For example why didn’t the senior SNP figures appoint a person to run the campaign full time in the constituency?

Another aspect of the campaign that Mr. Sawers rightly again highlights is negative campaigning which Labour used throughout the by-election.

Should the senior SNP figures not have learnt the lesson of Glenrothes?

Was there an impression that the Labour Party was going to run a positive campaign about the worst recession in living memory under them in Glasgow North East?

All William Bain said was that he was local, he campaigned on devolved issues and didn't support Labour policies at Westminister.

David Kerr is a good candidate but it was wrong to put him in Springburn, he had no history to speak of, not his fault.

What support did David Kerr really get from the top of the party?

Was he provided with a driver?

Was he provided with a minder?

And the lack of senior SNP office staff to help him?

Willie Sawers says;

“However, the place for such a debate is here at National Council not in the pages of the Sunday newspapers.”

No, the debate should be held with those people who attended Glasgow North East by-election and senior SNP members in Glasgow.

The SNP need to address the 'Glasgow problem' and understand exactly what it is, if not then they will suffer the same defeats again and again.

The SNP need to change the way that they campaign.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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