Friday, November 27, 2009

Labour MSP Iain Gray fails the education test as Glasgow's Labour Council of shame sack one quarter of all teacher numbers in Scotland

Dear All

The total number of teachers in Scotland has fallen by 1,348 over the past year.

The drop in numbers according to Scottish government statistics has prompted opposition parties to attack Education Secretary Fiona Hyslop.

The British Labour Party has called for her to be sacked.

In fact regardless of the issue or situation, they would call for anyone to be sacked to get closer to the trough they were kicked out of by the public.

Labour MSPs miss their ministerial cars, salary and perks.

Fiona Hyslop has admitted the fall in numbers is "unacceptable" but the blame rests with councils because they are spending cash earmarked for teachers on "other purposes".

This has caused the councils to cry it would be "economic suicide" to maintain numbers.

Labour MSP Iain Gray said;

"Enough is enough. These figures today show the complete failure of Fiona Hyslop on teacher numbers. It's time now for Alex Salmond to do the right thing and turf her out of his cabinet”.

Iain Gray is trying to build for himself a reputation for being a leader, so far it hasn’t worked.

Too stupid to learn and to stupid to look at the wider picture, a little man struggling beyond his abilities to try and convince people he is a force.

What Iain Gray should address is that Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame in Glasgow are responsible for more than one quarter of the total fall in teacher numbers.

On top of that Purcell is looking to make more teachers unemployed in Glasgow as he has other schools in his sights.

Iain Gray, quick with his mouth is the East Lothian gunfighter who always shoots the pianist in the gunfight, the best and safest place is to be in front of him when he pops off.

Pity the people at the side, they always catch the flak, as his words highlights their incompetence; generally he shoots his own party in the back, in the foot or in the nuts.

Fiona Hyslop said;

"In our concordat with local government it was explicitly accepted that sufficient funding had been made available to maintain teacher numbers at 2007 levels. Council budgets are also rising, total education spending is up and nationally attainment is improving”.

It plain as the nose on people’s faces, the SNP Government is sticking to its commitments.

And the bad times just keep on coming for Iain Gray; Councillor Isabel Hutton, education spokeswoman for local authority umbrella body Cosla, said she was "surprised and disappointed" at the negative comments from opposition parties trying to score cheap political points.

She said class sizes had improved and local government had delivered year-on-year progress exactly as it had agreed in the concordat.

So another bad day for gormless Labour MSP Iain Gray perhaps he should try remedial classes but not in Glasgow; Purcell has probably already cut them and sacked the teacher!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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