Monday, November 30, 2009

It's time to bring the last vestige of the British Empire to an end and free Scotland

Dear All

Well the day has arrived the Scottish Government has published its white paper on Scotland's constitutional future.

Scotland like another nation in the western world should be free to be governed totally by its own people on its own soil.

The independence referendum will face stiff opposition as unionist parties seek to ensure that Scotland remains subservient to England.

The day of the Union is dead.

First Minister Alex Salmond said Scotland must be independent to meet its full economic potential but the economic argument isn’t the only issue why we should be free.

The people of Scotland have limited control of our own country, our citizens can be sent to die in illegal wars, we can be taxed heavily without our consent; we cannot control our own borders.

English politicians talk about how Scotland is in partnership with England, this is not true. English run organisations operate on Scottish soil which the Scottish Parliament cannot have any say on.

An excellent case is the UK Border Agency who doesn’t even recognise MSPs have the right to represent people such as Florence and Precious Mhango.

Effectively foreign run prisons operate on Scottish soil out with control of our Justice Minister.

The fact of the matter is that the minority SNP administration does not have enough support from opposition parties to stage a referendum in 2010.

It seems that the Unionist parties believe in democracy as long as that doesn’t mean giving the people of Scotland the right to become a free nation again.

Scotland was once a free country in the world, it has to be again.

The Referendum bill may not get through the Holyrood Parliament in 2010 or the Unionist parties will seek to water down the SNP question in the bill.

The white paper launched on St Andrew's Day, sets out independence as its favoured option.

Although there are other options on the table such as no change in the present set-up; more powers, as recommended by the Calman; transfer of responsibilities to Holyrood, such as full financial autonomy.

These options are not enough; the Scottish Government should have control of our borders, our own Foreign Minister and a Scottish Passport Service.

Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray says the British Labour Party (Scottish region) which is controlled from London England doesn’t fear a referendum.

Gray is calling on the Scottish Government to abandon it focus on the recession.

If the SNP Government was to do such a thing then the next words out of Gray’s mouth when things get better would be that, it is because of the 'benefit of the Union'.

Iain Gray seems to think that the people of Scotland are really stupid; he and the British Labour Party (Scottish region) might want to serve as Regional overseers for London Labour but he is clinging to a dead past.

Scotland and its people are under English controlled occupation and that is a fact.

It is time to bring to an end the last vestige of the British Empire and free Scotland.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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