Sunday, November 29, 2009

I despise everything Annabel Goldie stands for but she deserves loyalty from Scottish Tories

Dear All

The Tories are dead in Scotland.

The Scottish leader is currently Annabel Goldie who has made limited progress as the Cameron effect stops dead at the border.

So is Goldie, a bad leader, not really; her problem she is in a party despised by the people of Scotland.

To add to her tale of woe, there is Andrew Fulton, MI6 spy (retired) as Tory Party Chairman, except he is so low key as to be invisible.

Fulton works for Armor Group, a firm that provides security services to national governments.

Think UK Government approved Mercenary Army Contractors and you get the picture.

Now, there is pressure to set up an independent Scottish Tory Party out with control of David Cameron and the English Tories to hoodwink the voters.

Would that work?


Tim Montgomerie is editor of the influential website who thinks this radical move would make the Tories electable.

Please, grow up.

The Tories problem in Scotland cannot be solved by a rebranding exercising.

As well as this little episode in ‘blue sky thinking’, senior Scottish Tories don’t David Mundell as Secretary of State for Scotland.

The reason, a number of Tories believe that Mundell is no match for First Minister Alex Salmond.

Tory Plan B is ridiculous in conception, it is to take a Tory MSP make him a Lord then appoint him Scottish Secretary.

Give a person the right to claim three salaries!

Think of the greed, MSP, Scottish Secretary and House of Lords money, all legal and within the rules.

It is a triple whammy of the trough.

And Tories wonder why ordinary people hate them with a passion in Scotland!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. The Tories trouble is the thatcher legacy. Labour will should feel the same after Blair and Brown.

    It takes many generations to clear up abandonement.New Labour was just a toffs spotting a cycle excercise. They removed one man one vote, got hierarchical with the union mafiosos and got cosey with money.Named themselves "the political classes". Nobs.

    All this talk of supporting the working people is just smoke and mirrors. Thankfully more of Scotland is waking up to it and rejecting the charade of Labour.And if in a union, Remembering to untick the political levvy as it goes to labour by default :-)

    Annabelle gouldie was quiete good at having a bit of sense in not saying incredibly stupid things, and usually playing it straight. But I fear Conservative spin meisters have got to her. Only today she was exclaiming salmonds referendum white paper was him loosing his mind?

