Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gordon Brown, the Robert Mugabe of corrupt Britain

Dear All

Britain is a corrupt country but in order for the corrupt to rule, they have to put in measures to control and spy on ordinary citizens.

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa) is a tool of the state to allow spying on citizens not based on any evidence whatsoever.

It is the state’s you’re guilty until you are proven innocent.

Jenny Paton was spied on by her local council 21 times to find out whether she lived in the catchment area for a school.

In other words legalised stalking to circumvent the Protection from Harassment Act!

On the basis of an allegation even based on hatred from a deranged individual using a council as a stalker by proxy anyone could be subject to this type of harassment.

Under the various provisions of the Human Rights Act 1998 this type of activity should be banned but we have a corrupt Labour Government which cares little for people’s rights.

Now Jenny Paton is taking Poole Borough Council to a tribunal over its use of the Investigatory Powers Act.

And she has a case, a strong case under the law.

Of course, it should be noted that Ms. Paton, herself could use another Act of Parliament to investigate those who spy on her.

Under the Data Protection Act 1998, she could spy on and collect evidence against those who are victimising her.

The act calls on an individual to have ‘reasonable belief’ that they or others are the victim of a crime.

Jenny Paton was being stalked by a council official when she and her partner had committed no crime.

When RIPA was going through Parliament, we were told that only nine organisations (including the police and security services) were allowed to invoke it, but as of 2008, it was 792 organisations (including 474 councils).

The people weren’t told the truth, deceived by a corrupt Labour Government.

If you want to know how effect the Investigatory Powers Tribunal is here are the stats, in 9 years, out of 799 complaints, they have upheld 6.

Will Jenny Paton get justice?

It depends on her status, publicity and how far she is willing to go and to whom.

The United Kingdom is a corrupt country.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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