Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gordon Brown rigs Iraq inquiry by hand picking the membership of it

Dear All

The UK Labour Government is setting up an enquiry into the Iraq War.

That means that it is a whitewash.

This sham is to con the electorate before the General Election that the Government is open and transparent.

Rather than the “independent” inquiry, there should be a criminal investigation rather than the toothless animal to deceive the public.

The star witness at this fiasco will be war criminal Tony Blair who will say that he acted in good faith.

That is his answer to the hundreds of thousands whose dead bodies littered Iraq, the torture of innocent civilians and the destruction of an entire country.

The inquiry chairman has said his report will be available in late 2010; that’s after the General Election.

Expect the committee made up of placemen to receive addition honours such as appointments to quangos and possibly to the House of Lords.

There will be a long list of witnesses who play a part in taking Britain into an illegal war but one thing they all have in common is that not one of them will be prosecuted and they will all go on their merry way.

This is the “Bankers; we are sorry routine”, we have seen it before and if it is worth doing once then it is worth doing it again.

Some of the public are awfully gullible.

In my opinion Blair took this country to war so he could get in tight with George W Bush. A lot of innocent people died in agony because Tony Blair wanted to get the same relationship with Bush that he had with Clinton.

That was Britain’s foreign policy for the invasion of Iraq, Tony Blair wanting to safeguard his position with the Americans.

Expect to hear ‘sorry’, ‘good faith’ and ‘lessons learned’ but don’t expect criminal charges.

No one is to be personally blamed or charged and the Cameron Government will be moving on and burying it as soon as.

Finally, all the members of the inquiry's committee were chosen by No 10 Downing Street.

This tells you all you need to know about it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Yeah get it out the way incase the new regime decide to run with it.

    Then it's too late to rig the result.

    The man has littered the middle east with bodies under false pretences.

    Karma gets what karma sows......
