Friday, November 6, 2009

Gordon Brown and William Bain support ten minute choo choo train ride over new hospital for Glasgow

Dear All

You know your campaign is sunk when jonah Gordon Brown turns up to campaign for you.

Brown who has a track of giving the kiss of death to an candidate or organisation was breezed into Flemington House for a photo op with lame duck William Bain.

Gordon Brown said;

"I know Glasgow and I know Willie Bain is the right man to represent this area. I have been hugely impressed by his campaign - his energy and ideas for the community he loves are clear to see”.

Oh really!

Bain’s campaign is a nasty squalid little campaign of pettiness and smears, the action plan that Bain is allegedly fighting for is fiction and if he loved the community so much why didn’t he force Micahel Martin to open a public office.

Brown added;

"Willie is the only local candidate and he's the right man to represent Glasgow North East”.

George Laird added;

Bungling Bain hasn’t been right once, whether its crime or jobs, he has no answers, just election gimmicks.

Bain isn’t going to do anything.

Gordon Brown continuing with the failed English Labour campaign rip off Glasgow said;

"But Willie has also been telling me that local people feel that the SNP is ripping off Glasgow”.

Ripping off Glasgow, who is kidding who?

The SNP Government has announced an £842 million pound new hospital for Glasgow.

As a measure of how out of touch Brown is he bleated;

"The nationalist administration's decision to cancel the Glasgow Airport Rail Link will cost vital jobs across the city. It is an inexplicable, wrong, and shortsighted choice that the people of Glasgow will not forget”.

The choice is stark, would the people of Glasgow rather have a brand new hospital with capacity to serve 110,000 people a year at it’s A & E or a ten minute train ride to the airport.

The hospital is 24/7, 365 days a year, the train ride ten minutes.

Bain and Brown are so stupid; they are plumping for a ride on a choo choo train but the people of Glasgow want frontline services.

The SNP Government is delivering for Glasgow.

While the SNP is building up the infrastructure, £842 million hospital, the Labour Council of the city of Glasgow is destroying it, 20 schools to close.

Labour candidate Willie Bain;

“As the local voice here I believe only I have what it takes to stand up for the people of this constituency.”

Truly deluded as usual, as always the paper tiger has spoken and not very well!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George/

    The people of Glasgow will see through the SNP week candidate and elect William Bain as the only real candidate from the peoples party.

  2. Dear Anon

    Let's look at the facts.

    Labour has been in power for 74 years.

    It's a huge task to shift the vote because of voter loyalty, but it is misplaced loyalty.

    Michael Martin didn’t give a shit about his area, no public office, no public concern.

    Bain never stepped up to the plate either, shows a distinct lack of commitment to me.

    Also Bain, in my opinion and from the way his campaign was run, came across as a smug little shit.

    One day, he will get what is coming to him.

    What goes around comes around.

    Bain doesn’t deserve to win.

    45 years of Labour lying to rebuild the Springburn Burgh Hall.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

    Ps thank you for posting a ditto
