Friday, November 6, 2009

Fact; the SNP has provided record education funding to support 1000 new Commonwealth Games apprenticeships in Glasgow.

Dear All

Remember skool?

One and one equals 6 or 8; I know it’s between one and ten.

I will keep guessing and get back to you on that one.

Perhaps the guy who posts abuse on my blog from Edinburgh can help out.

The SNP has been highlighting investment in education and skills as part of a package of measures in place to help the people of Glasgow North East.

Under the SNP, John Wheatley College has seen funding increase to create extra students places during the economic downturn and to support work with schools to keep young people in education.

In other words giving people a chance at a decent education and a job for future, something that Labour tried to destroy with tuition fees!

SNP candidate David Kerr and Education Secretary Fiona Hyslop met young apprentices at the college to get a sense of their experiences of being at the local college.

Fact; the SNP has provided record funding to support 1000 new Commonwealth Games apprenticeships in Glasgow.

SNP candidate David Kerr said;

"When it comes to education, Labour have their priorities all wrong. Despite a record settlement from the SNP Government, the Labour Council have closed five primary schools in Glasgow North East against the wishes of parents, slashed teacher numbers and increased class sizes across the city”.

During the schools closure consultation, 96% of people voted against closure.Labour controlled Glasgow City Council ignored the people and their wishes.

David Kerr added;

"Contrast this with the SNP who are investing record amounts in education and training across Glasgow. The SNP Government are funding 1000 Commonwealth Games apprenticeships and boosting cash for colleges giving our young people the opportunities they deserve”.

Labour Candidate William Bain cannot argue with facts only lie, deceive and mislead, a hallmark of his tawdry English run campaign.

Cabinet Secretary for Education Fiona Hyslop added;

“Only last month the SNP put in place a new package of support for students that will really benefit people returning to college after work or unemployment, providing grants for the first time ever and putting aside £2 million to support childcare for those studying for their future."

You see, the SNP Government don’t need gimmicks to help people; they do it as a matter of course.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

Ps the answer above is two, found some beans lying about.

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