Wednesday, November 11, 2009

William Bain says by-election is referendum, let's see what happens to the seat Martin had held for 30 years and the 10,134 majority tomorrow.

Dear All

Have a good look at this photo of Labour Candidate William Bain and Labour MSP Group leader Iain Gray.

It is out of focus!

Rather like William Bain’s entire campaign.

How difficult is it to operate a fool proof camera?

Quite easy when you are Labour trained.

In the final run in to polling day, deadbeat Iain Gray joined William Bain to as a nonentity on the campaign trail in the finally winding up of Bain’s “rip off campaign” that attract zero support even from the Labour supporting papers.

Bain’s been doing what he has always done lie, smear and deceive.

Here is what he says and my reply to his mutterings.

“the Glasgow Airport Rail Link was scrapped without consultation”.

Labour Glasgow City Council held a schools closure consultation, 96% voted against and Labour ignored their wishes.

That’s a fact.

“the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board’s budget settlement was the worst since devolution and got the lowest percentage increase of any health board”.

The SNP Government is funding an £842 million pound new hospital for Glasgow, 24/7 365 days a year serving 110,000 people through it’s A & E Department.

“dedicated cash is not given to Scotland’s largest city to compensate the city for all the non-Glasgow services it provides (like additional policing costs) even though the SNP gave Edinburgh a dedicated amount”.

80% of the entire cost of the Glasgow Commomwealth Games will be funded by the SNP Government, creating jobs, infrastructure, homes and new facilities for the people of Glasgow.

“the SNP’s draft budget settlement for next year shows a £260 million cut from the housing and regeneration budget Glasgow will be worst hit”.

Glasgow receives 30% of all money for housing.

“14 new schools will be built by the SNP in Scotland – but not a single one in Glasgow”.

Labour is in the process of destroying 20 Glasgow schools.

“Glasgow also receives a lower share of the Scottish Government’s budget that under Labour, with new figures last week calculating the loss to the tune of £37 million”.
The figure of what Glasgow receives from the Scottish budget is higher than under Labour.

Iain Gray said;

"With just 24 hours left until voting starts, it is increasingly clear that the poll is now a referendum on the treatment of Glasgow”.

In Springburn for example the Labour Party has for 45 years promised to rebuild the Springburn Burgh Hall.

They lied to the people on this single issue for 45 years that should make a good referendum question for the people about integrity in public life.

74 years of Labour neglect, 45 years of lying, 30 years of Michael Martin refusing to have a public office.

Greed, cronyism and nepotism!

Gray added;

"Willie has been an excellent candidate who is unafraid of arguing his corner and standing up for Glasgow”.

14 years of silence in the Labour Party of refusing to deal with the problems of this area.

That is the Bain legacy, the man’s a coward and unfit to hold public office.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. I see they've both been issued with 'standard issue' monkey with a red rosette uniform.

    Wakeup people, Labour are taking you for fools
