Friday, November 20, 2009

Are the Labour Party getting the scottish press to target SNP supporting Bloggers?

Dear All

Are the Scottish News of the World and Sunday Herald going after SNP supporting bloggers now?

Wardog has had two of the press snooping round trying to effect his 'bread and butter', Tom Gordon of the Sunday Herald and Euan McColm of the News of the World.

Both these guys contact him in the same week!

Here is a version of the Euan McColm email appearing on Wardog’s website.

Dear Mr Newlands,

I wonder if you could help with a couple of questions for a news piece I am writing for this weekend's edition of The News of the World?

In your Wardog blog, you carry a piece Jim Murphy - 'c word'.

Do you consider that this is appropriate language?

Does this conform to the code of conduct laid down for employees of 'a' University?

Do you consider that it may bring the University into disrepute?

Would you accept that this aggressive tone may be of concern to parents sending their youngsters to be educated at 'the University'??

In the same piece, you accuse Richard Baker of assaulting (that's Euan's words not mine) an elderly woman.

Can you supply the names and addresses of any witnesses to this alleged incident? You also raise questions about Willie Bain's council tax records.

Could you give me any proof that Mr Bain has acted outwith the law in this regard?

I look forward to your detailed reply.

Euan McColm
Scottish Political Editor
News of the World

Is the use of swearing appropriate, well it depends on the circumstances you are doing it, it’s his blog, his rules and his opinion, shared if people want to view it.

Go to any pub and you will hear FU this and FU that, all night.

It wouldn’t however be right to go to the shops for groceries and say, ‘Can I have a pint of milk and six rolls, you c***!

Then McColm raises the issue of the code of conduct at Wardog’s university but since his blog isn’t part of his university duties, it doesn’t apply.

He then asks an odd question about bringing the University into disrepute.

I know having spent decades at university, people swear profusely, staff, students and visitors, openly and in public.

I even had to tell a couple of students, one doing law to stop swearing in a gym as I was filming a little project.

But I think the real issues are that Wardog allegedly witnessed the actions of Labour MSP Richard Baker on a bus and William Bain’s Council tax status.

On the Baker incident he wrote;

“Only last week Wardog (whilst travelling to aberdeen via bus from Dundee because of the NE floods) saw little Dick Baker, Scottish Labour's Justice Rent-a-Quote actually 'shove a granny aff a bus' to get a seat, the snivelling wee nyaff was shouted out by fellow travellers whom he barged past to get on the bus”.

And on Bain, he asked questions;

a) What Council Tax has Willie paid over the last 6 years?

b) What Council Tax will Willie be paying now he's an MP?

So why are the press asking him to do their jobs as investigative reporters?

Or could it be an attempt to smear SNP supporters ahead of the General Election to silence them?

And here's me thinking they are just after Sheridan!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Maybe they just did the story because Wardog is a uni lecturer making defamatory comments about people?

  2. Dear Anon

    Are you a witness who is stating an irrefutable fact?

    If so, do you have a blog to scan the third party evidence into?

    Or is it subjective opinion on your part?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. I am stating fact, george. I saw the blog before Wardog shut it down and you can still see it on google cache.
    Don't know Gordon or McColm so I can't make a judgement on their motives. Presume you've not met them either.

  4. Dear Anon

    It may be a fact you read it on Wardog's blog.

    My point.

    Did you see the incident that Wardog says he saw Richard Baker allegedly involving in?

    A simple Yes or No.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. no. Nor did anyone else.

    Have you met these hacks?

  6. Dear Anon

    Thank you for clearing the position that you are not in possession of facts.

    You therefore are speaking from what is subjective opinion.

    Hope this helps you stop spreading rumours about and with future career prospects.

    If you are going to tell a story, the truth is the current currency used in Scotland.

    Unless, you are Labour of course.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glagow University

  7. Dear George,

    They've been busted using "googlestalker" "viral networking" (web social engineering)companies to create obfuscation and criminal incitement. Brownlie and I knew it was coming 2-3 years back, even warning some this was starting to take hold. I just never thought someone would have the stupidity to set up a company to engage in it though! Dodgey business model. Like finding your 99p bargain toy chokes kids!Some flaws exist.

    Glad I could provide some live testing :-), I trust you'll remember never to come back?

    The bigger picture is this. They (Labour/subcontractors/groups of activists) want to control the message and create false interpretations of others using the anonymity of the net.

    They are employing parliament and police connected companies to engage in shit stirring as stated above.

    Who are exploiting internal police knowledge and the difficulty in proving/pursuing a case. But crossing over at inciting violence and harassment.

    Labour allready have the established media on side so the only ones to control, shout down and bug are bloggers or comments threads. Notice all the perfectly valid and non abussive posts that get removed on the hoots? There's an example of controling the flow of info.

    fake posters, hinting at origin and saying daft things etc Attacking known adversaries but really nastily. AM2 despite his faults, was prey to this one.


    I think the parliament should hold an enquiry into this borderline criminal and insidiously creepy practice.

    Just be vigilant.



  8. Words worth remembering.

    "First they came for the unions, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't union.
    Then they came for the communists, but I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist.
    Then they came for the Jews, but I didn't speak up because I was Protestant.
    And then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up."

    Reverend Martin Niemoller
    German Lutheran monk arrested by the Gestapo in 1937

  9. Anon- Agreed. That's how the ball starts rolling when good people say nothing.

  10. I consider, that you are mistaken. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
