Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nicola Sturgeon's management of the health brief blows targets out of the water for infections reduction

Dear All

It’s bad news for the Labour Party and Cathy Jamieson, Labour MSP and Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing again.

Rates of C.difficile have fallen by 44% since the SNP came to office in 2007.

What an embarrassment, 44%, that never could happen under the Labour Party.

And rates of MRSA are down by 26%.It must upset the Labour Party that effective Scottish SNP Government working in partnership with the NHS can generate such spectacular results.

In March 2007 there were 1775 cases of C.Diff amongst the over 65’s, today’s figures show there has been a fall to 996 cases. Cases of MRSA are down to 145, the lowest level since reporting began.

How much more humiliation can Nicola Sturgeon heap on that deadbeat Cathy Jamieson?

Alongside the nationwide fall in infection rates there have been major falls in Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire and Lothian, Forth Valley, Fife and Highland health Boards.The SNP comes along with effective management and targets go through the roof.

SNP MSP, former GP and Health Committee member Dr Ian McKee praised the efforts of NHS staff and the additional funding from the Scottish Government to tackle hospital infections.

Lothians MSP Dr McKee said;

“Today’s figures show that real progress is being made under the SNP to tackle hospital acquired infection.

“A 44% fall in cases of c.difficile is a dramatic drop in 2 years and one which I firmly welcome. This shows the SNP is doing what it takes to tackle Hospital Acquired Infections".

“The additional funding from the SNP Government of £21 million this year and the measures being taken by Nicola Sturgeon to improve hospital hygiene are making a huge improvement".

“The efforts of NHS staff to keep hospitals infection free and ensure the best treatment for patients must be commended".

"NHS nurses and doctors are working incredibly hard to tackle hospital infections and today's results show it is paying off. There will always be more to do to keep infection at bay but together we have made great strides forward".

"The SNP is delivering for health in Glasgow. With additional funding for Glasgow NHS to tackle hospital infections this year the improvement in Glasgow and Clyde is a real testament to the work of the staff in our hospitals".

"This news is fantastic for everyone but the SNP cannot afford to rest on its laurels, they should aspire to further cuts on these impressive targets".

For Cathy Jamieson, Labour MSP; she can just go back to reading the paper, looking at comics and drinking tea.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George;

    Someone has been spreading rumours about you in regards to the fake 'Scottish Unionist' site "Scottish Onionist".

    If you are unaware of the content of the site, it features many abhorrent images relating to gay pornography. Out of principle I will not provide a link to it.

    Sources have stated, in many places on the Scottish blogosphere, that a "George Laird The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University" (if thats you) had created this blog due to differences in political opinions to "Scottish Unionist".

    The sources have also confirmed that they will be submitting a complaint to Blogger.

    Do you have anything to confirm or deny?


    PS, I'm sorry to have to comment on your blog, I would have done this privately but your blog doesn't provide an e-mail address.

  2. Dear Anon

    I created my blog, The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University to highlight corruption at Glasgow University.

    I have another blog; called the History of Bullying at Glasgow University that blog is closed until I scan University of Glasgow documents into it.

    I have only two blogs.

    I have been the victim of identity theft with people posing as me on the blogsphere before, at Guido Fawkes for example.

    I publicly complained to Paul Staines about that and he did nothing.

    I would never publish on a website that has pornography on it, of any description or set one up.

    I don't know what allegations these people are making and have not seen them.

    Thank you for telling me but I have nothing to fear because whoever is doing this left a trail with their IP address.

    There are some nasty people out there who enjoy this type of behaviour; I am not one of them.

    For the record; the reason I don't provide an email address is because if someone has something to say about me or to me, I have no problem with it being in the public domain.

    I have upset quite a few people especially at the University of Glasgow by publishing the truth, perhaps you should investigate there.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
