Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Labour Party admit William Bain won't be a full time MP in Glasgow North East

Dear All

Kezia dugdale is a Labour Party Activist who blogs on politics.

Here is a link to her blog;

She is not happy about the coverage on the internet regarding the Labour Candidate, William Bain who is standing in the Glasgow North East seat.

Her main gripe is what she describes as lies about William Bain’s circumstances.

It has been said that Gordon Wilson allegedly called for the use of dirty tactics to be used by the SNP in this by-election.

For the record, there is no dirty tricks campaign being used by the SNP.

The SNP leave that style of campaigning to the Labour Party.

Here are some facts spouted by her.

“William Bain lives on the Carron estate. 12 1c Eccles Street to be exact. Fact”.

More than half the working week he lives is London, England. Fact.

“Willie does not have kids. Fact”.

It maybe a fact but it is hardly relevant to the campaign. Fact.

“William lives with his mum and dad. Fact”.

William Bain doesn't own or is the tenant of 12 1c Eccles Street Glasgow. Fact.

Kezia Dugdale then diverts from her factual ‘evidence’ to present subjective opinion that the SNP intend to spread lies about William Bain.

She has no evidence of an SNP smear campaign. Fact.

“Well here's another fact for you. Willie's mum is housebound and Willie's dad is her main carer. Willie living at home means that he can offer his dad some respite”.

I lived with my mother until her death because she had a history of heart trouble too which I can fully understand.

But is Kezia Dugdale actually saying that the Labour Candidate William Bain won’t be a full time MP because he has to care for his sick mother?

If that statement is true by her then why is he standing in the first place?

Kezia states;

“That makes him 100% a family man in my book”.

Actually the term 'family man' applies more to men who have their own family and not to a son caring for their mother.

Ms. Dugdale seems unfamiliar with the terminology.

“The SNP's electoral strategy to bad mouth Willie and spread lies about him is truly pathetic”.

The SNP do not have an electoral strategy to spread lies about William Bain.

This is a lie by Kezia Dugdale and if she has proof on this on SNP documents then I would like to see it.

“It's not just Cybernats either - this comes from the very top of the SNP”.

This is a subjective statement and I would like to see the proof.

“The only reason I have this bit of the electoral register is because SNP spin doctors tried to spin these lies to a major national tabloid and us humble labour folk had to evidence the truth”.

I would be very surprised if Liz Lloyd and Valerie Livingston of the SNP were involved in a smear campaign.

Kezia states;

“I find that utterly shameful”.

What I find despicable is that the Labour Candidate William Bain has a website which continually spreads lies and makes false allegations about the SNP.

It seems that Kezia Dugdale should stop by the William Bain's website and vent her ‘outrage’ there.

There is no SNP smear campaign against Labour Candidate William Bain that is a fact.

The only difference between an SNP fact and a Labour Party fact is, the SNP fact is the truth.

Maybe Kezia Dugdale is too far gone politically to know the difference.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Well done! you managed to read the whole of Kezia's post without understanding a single word of it!

    You're either a really (& I mean REALLY) bad wannabe SNP spin doctor, or terrible at critical analysis.

    I take it you never completed your degree!

  2. Oh, & I like the selective quoting as well!

  3. Dear Anon

    Could you answer the questions, I posed.

    Does Labour Candidate William Bain own or rent the flat in 12 1c Eccles Street Glasgow?

    And the reason for not answering the questions is?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  4. Dear Anon

    First you say I am a wannabe SNP spin doctor.

    Then my writing is shit.

    And then you like the quoting.

    No pleasing some people.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
