Monday, October 12, 2009

Labour MP, Eric Joyce swims against the expenses tide and trousers more taxpayers cash

Dear All

Eric Joyce is a Labour MP.

I should say that he is an incredibly expensive Labour MP.

Joyce is noted as being numero uno when it comes to filling in forms to get taxpayers cash, the boy simply loves the stuff, for him it is like the ‘water of life’.

His latest gaff which has surfaced is his decision to open two constituency offices less than six miles apart.

Why two offices?

The answer is mind boggling, he said;

“the second office would bring him closer to constituents”.

Unless of course they lived nearer his first office!

The SNP have asked the UK parliamentary authorities to investigate the matter as it is not unreasonable to ask that people take a short bus ride to his first office, also home visits are available by most MPs and their staff for people who have disabilities.

The idea seems like nonsense as you would want all your staff central so that they have a greater pool of knowledge, well you would like to think so.

David Alexander of the SNP said;

“it was curious Mr Joyce had chosen to site his new office in a building which is earmarked for demolition, just months before a general election”.

Perhaps Mr. Joyce feels he is to be condemned by the voters so he wanted offices that would fit in with that concept.

Mr. Alexander added;

"For the best part of ten years, Eric Joyce has shown no interest in opening an office in Denny."

It is amazing what some people will do when they believe their bacon is on the line; Joyce is a desperate man who is staring defeat fully in the face.

Recently on Newsnight Scotland when interviewed by Gordon Brewer, the people were subjected to pure crash tv, when asked why he had bought three pictures for his office at £180; he said, “they looked nice”!

£180 because they look nice!

I thought the boy was going ‘wire happy’!

I think he better start looking for a peerage or other opportunities just in case.

Yours sincerely
George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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