Sunday, October 11, 2009

Labour lies on William Bain's website shows he lacks personal integrity

Dear All

The Labour Party and William Bain have made much of what they call “dishonest politics” by the SNP.

Here are four complete lies by the Labour Party in the one sentence of their press release;

“But the troubled SNP campaign - which saw their first two candidates sacked and a new candidate imposed by their HQ - has faltered again today”.

Lie number one, the SNP campaign is not troubled.

Lie number two, Grant Thoms was not sacked as the SNP Candidate; he didn’t put himself forward for selection under SNP by-election rules.

Lie number three, James Dornan stood down personally after a story appeared that he had technically breached charity law, he wasn’t sacked.

Lie number four, David Kerr was not parachuted in by SNP HQ; he stood for selection, exactly the same as any other candidate and was selected by the SNP branch, ordinary SNP members of the Glasgow North East seat voted him in.

Four deliberate lies in the one sentence by the Labour Party.

The rest of the Labour press release is similarly shoddy.

Why is William Bain allowing lies to be spread about David Kerr on his website?

Is it greed?

Is it stupidity?

Is it just the way he was brought up?

Is it a lack of personal integrity?

Does £65k plus expenses justify this type of behaviour?

The Labour Party has made crime their number one issue, under the SNP Government crime is at its lowest level for 30 years.

Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said;

"For the second year in a row, crime in Scotland is down, to the lowest level in nearly 30 years”.

William Bain makes much of “fighting” for Glasgow but his website is promoted by London Labour and hosted in London by Tangent Labs.

Their address is 32-42 East Road, London, William Bain is so committed to the people of Glasgow North East, the first thing he did was to give work to a London company!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Dear Wardog

    Thanks very much, it is always good to publish the truth to show how much the Labour Party are prepared to deceive the people.

    I hear that the people in Springburn have nothing good to say about Michael Martin and his son, Paul Martin.

    Hopefully the Martin fiefdom is drawing to a close.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
