Thursday, October 15, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain's lies damage Glasgow's reputation for fairness

Dear All

A highlight of the Labour Party campaign in Glasgow North East is that Glasgow is being ripped off.

This bogus claim has been repeatedly constantly by William Bain and the Labour Party.

Labour claim;

"Glasgow is being ripped off the by SNP. They cancelled Glasgow's trains. They've cut money from Glasgow's housing and regeneration."

SNP refute these allegations and say: "Utter baloney."

But it is not enough to have throw away comments about the Labour Party taking the petted lip, it is time to present the facts, reality is the test.

The Glasgow Airport Rail Link (GARL) was initially expected to cost £160 million that figure has spiralling out of control to £395 million.

The Scottish Government was placed in a position that they had to make hard choices.

Simply put, everyone knows that they will get into serious trouble trying to spend when they cannot afford it.

£500 million is being cut this year alone from the Scottish budget.

This cut is being done by the Labour Party in London, the blame lies there fully.


Glasgow has 11.5% of Scotland's entire population.

It receives;

30% of all housing and regeneration expenditure, is that figure not showing real commitment?

25% of all NHS spending, is that figure not showing real commitment?

Glasgow constantly gets the best funding per head of any mainland council in Scotland.

The reason that it doesn’t seem like it, is because we have a Labour controlled council who are completely inept.

It was the SNP who funded the Council tax freeze which directly benefited the people right across the board.

More Police patrol the city’s streets than ever before and this has resulted in crime being at its lowest level in 30 years.

The people have seen improvements to the M80 and M74 which improves infrastructure to and from the city making it more accessible.

The new hospitals at Stobhill and the Southern General will be state of art and help over come the city’s seriously poor record on health and improve quality of life.

Billions of pounds are being pumped into the city in a massive regeneration drive to help attract new business and make Glasgow a better prospect for any potential investors and small businesses.

On the other side of the coin, people should remember that it was Labour who joined with the Liberals and Tories to force through the £545 million Edinburgh tram project.

Because of them, everyone is stuck with this white elephant which the other main parties are surprisingly quiet about.

The costs of that scheme or donkey have risen.

The SNP has also found £84m to fund new affordable housing through Glasgow City Council in some of the most deprived areas.

The Labour claims simply don’t stack up but worse than that they are lies and distortions currently being used for one purpose, to trick people into voting Labour in Glasgow North East.

More or less each day, William Bain constantly repeats these crafted lies on his website.

It is right that politicians should fight hard for their city that is their job but the Labour Party are simply unable to do anything for the people of Glasgow unless they see it will be to their political advantage.

The bottom line, we get a fair share and if there is a bit extra cash floating about the place, I have no objection to it coming to Glasgow.

The difference between the Labour Party and the SNP; is that the SNP won’t lie and deceive to get it.

William Bain should take note, integrity first and last!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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