Saturday, October 24, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain tries to live off other people's success as people click he is a loser

Dear All

It is a mark of how desperate William Bain has become that he tries to associate himself with the laurels handed out to other people.

He has none himself to speak of.

The guy is looking for someone to like him outside his badly English run campaign at Flemington House, Springburn.

Bain’s website states;

“Willie Bain, Labour's by-election candidate in Glasgow North East, congratulated health workers and staff at Stobhill Hospital on the news that it had been named Best New Building outside London at a prestigious design awards ceremony”.

For the record, the NHS in Scotland is run by the SNP Government which has improved considerably under the stewardship of Nicola Sturgeon.

The reason, Nicola Sturgeon believes in teamwork and co-operation something completely different to New Labour diktat.

Willie Bain said;

"The SNP talk down and rip off our area at every opportunity, but as Stobhill Hospital's award shows Glasgow North East has a lot to be proud of”.

The 74 years of Labour Party neglect not being one of them.

Another fact is that Glasgow receives a very good deal from the Scottish Government, more so that other areas.

Bain added;

"I was born in Stobhill and I'm proud that it's Labour investment that gave local people such a great hospital.

I fail to see being born in Stobhill is an achievement, I was also born there and while we are at it, the people paid for Stobhill hospital not the Labour Party.

The Bain rant continues;

"The nurses and doctors at Stobhill do a fantastic job and their award is well deserved. It's an outrage the SNP Government in Edinburgh thinks it's ok to award Glasgow's Health Board the worst settlement since devolution.”

I wonder if William Bain has the ability to analyse facts or do his English Minders not allow him to think, just repeat their words.

Labour Candidate William Bain so unpopular that he has to try and stand beside other people to bask in their success!

Maybe he should ask David Kerr of the SNP if he can come out with him, it’s the best chance that Bain has of standing in a crowd of happy people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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