Monday, October 26, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain needs three women as human shields to hide behind to lie on Scottish health issues

Dear All

Health has been one of the major successes of the SNP Scottish Government.

Nicola Sturgeon has handled the health portfolio extremely well, it therefore beggar’s belief that William Bain should be so crass as to try and score cheap political points by misleading the public.

Labour candidate, William Bain has launched his Rip-Off Roadshow at Stobhill Hospital with a banner and the discredit Shadow health Secretary Cathy Jamieson.

Cathy Jamieson was involved in one of the biggest legal scandals in Scotland during her time as Justice Minister. As Shadow Health Secretary she has been invisible in the parliament occasionally making a few catty comments.

The Labour Candidate in the photo above can be clearly seen holding a banner with an internet address.

The false impression that William Bain is trying to project to the voters is that he is joining a group of ordinary people with a legitimate gripe.

The truth is that it is a lie. leads people back to William Bain’s London hosted and London promoted website.

William Bain in my opinion is unfit for public office as he will say and do anything to win this by-election.

I can only wonder why someone so lacking in personal integrity would stoop so low to con voters.

The facts on the SNP regarding health are clear; Glasgow receives more per head in funding than other areas in Scotland.

The city run by the Labour controlled Labour Party for more than 74 years bears the responsibility of their neglect which has resulted in a terrible health record.

So, how long will the fake campaign which William Bain and the Labour party set up last?

One week!

Every penny saved by the NHS is reinvested back into frontline services this and other facts represent the truth that William Bain will not tell you.

For example William Bain will not tell you that in 2006, Labour contracted with a private company to provide a regional treatment centre at Stracathro hospital in Angus. The private sector provided the service but the NHS paid for it which means the NHS and all of us as taxpayers paid not just for the service but for the profit margin as well.

But then the truth never did sit well with William Bain.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Excellent post George, is that George Fouleks in drag to the right of Willie Bain (Senior Lecturer)?

  2. Dear Wardog

    I would say not.

    My reason, George Foukles can't stand up straight full of the bevvy.

    It is probably a misguided soul duped by the Labour Party.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Great post.

    The way in which Willie Bain is conducting himself is a disgrace.

    The British Labour Party obviously have only one policy...... attack The SNP. Shameful!

    Keep up the good work, you posts are excellent, thanks!

  4. Dear Anon

    Glad you like my postings.

    Here is what an unhappy Labour supporter wrote to me recently;

    "I get the feeling that by the lack of responses on all your blog posts, nobody really gives a shit about what you have to say!
    October 18, 2009 1:33 PM".

    I sense this type of wickedness is part of their core being!

    Roll on David Kerr and the SNP's victory on November 12 2009.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. Yes, I expect that'll be the Labour lads, nothing constructive to say, always on the attack!

    We see it on a daily basis in the online news papers & blogs.

    I think they forget that it is not just Scotland and the UK who are onlooking and the amount of comments in no way reflects the amount of readers.

    I have passed on your page to many around the world and I know have discussed the situation with many.

    You are doing aa excellent job in a very colourful and interesting way.

    Thank you from many ....
