Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Labour activists turn their backs on William Bain and hide their heads in shame at Labour lies!

Dear All

A picture paints a thousand words.

Take a look at this one of William Bain, Labour Candidate with Jim Murphy; the Labour activists have turned their back on him even before his campaign gets going.

I suspect the reason why that is; Bain is a liability.

Recently Bain called for a four year jail term for anyone caught in possession of a knife in his election leaflet titled the North East Glasgow Community News; this is a Labour Party publication.

Scratch beneath the surface of his proposal and you will see his idea is unworkable as it brings forward the concept that a person is guilty until they prove themselves innocent.

That is in breach of the Human Rights Act 1998, which entitles an accused person to a fair trial.

Bain’s campaign is intellectually bankrupt and lacks commonsense and is designed for one purpose to grab a headline.

Contained in his leaflet are lies as Bain tries to con the voters that the SNP wouldn’t back Jail sentences for people convicted of knife crime.

Where as William Bain is making “promises” that he cannot deliver; the SNP can and has delivered on crime, knife crime is the lowest in 25 years.

Also contained in his leaflet is Bain’s self styled Action plan which is just rhetoric but lets run through it.

1/ Stop Glasgow get ripped off

The SNP Government deliver more money per head of population than anywhere else in Scotland.

2/ Crackdown on crime.

This is a devolved matter that he has no input in delivering change, the SNP Government have cut crime and particulary knife crime.

3/ Help Glasgow pensioners and families through tough times.

How? Does he plan to busk in the street? After the General Election there will be a Tory Government in London.

4/ Better shops, better buses and better homes.

Again, this is nonsense as all these issues are in the hands of private operators.

Labour say they plan to make crime the number one issue in the Glasgow North East by-election but their record shows that they have actively supported the criminals that have plagued this area for years.

It took a campaign by SNP Councillor, Billy McAllister to get Chirnsyde Community Initiative closed down after it was taken over by the Lyon Crime family.

And the Labour Party supported the applications for funding even after allegations came to the surface against the Lyons family.

The amount of money was somewhere in the region of £1.5 to £2 million passing through the hands of criminals.

During this time, William Bain was an active member of the Labour Party in the area and he was silent on the issue.

William Bain talks about change but as his knife crime initiative proves, not only doesn’t he have the answers, he doesn’t understand the question.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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