Saturday, October 24, 2009

High drama in Glasgow North East as BNP vehicle crashes outside SNP Offices.

Dear All

We all like a laugh.

In a world Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University exclusive, I can reveal that the BNP vehicle which carries their advertising was involved in a car smash in Angus Street, Springburn, Glasgow today.

The vehicle which has signage on it calling for voters to “punish the pigs” hit a parked car while travelling down the street according to an SNP source.

The source tells me that the SNP activists went to the scene to see if anyone was injured, after checking everyone was alright they stood about laughing and enjoying themselves.

I wonder if the BNP driver regrets passing the SNP Offices.

One thing that will be certain is the driver of the parked car might probably be punished the pigs if the BNP skipped off without leaving their details.

In this case, this poor BNP piglet will be done up like a kipper by the insurance company for the damage.

Hopefully the BNP will be able to find someone who knows how to use the mirrors and drive a vehicle properly. Failing that, everyone should watch out.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. When did this happen? Wish I was there, must have been hilarious.

  2. Dear David

    I don't have an exact time, all I know it was sometime during the afternoon.

    I thought it would amuse people to the site.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. George,

    I was refering to the day the incident occured, as the post isn't showing a date.

    And I'm sure it has/will amuse people. It certainly has amused me.

