Friday, October 23, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain digs a bigger hole for himself everytime he opens his mouth!

Dear All

Deluded simply deluded!

I wonder, under what circumstances would the Labour Candidate William Bain stop lying in the Glasgow North East by-election?

I am beginning to believe that he has no personal integrity at all.

William Bain scoffs at David Kerr as the “The SNP's third-choice candidate”, apart from the fact that is a lie, how would he describe Margaret Curran’s predicament of being possibly the fifth choice candidate?

The reality is stark, 74 years of the Labour Party taking the people for granted has produced a ghetto; it is a fact.

If you walk through certain parts of the constituency, you automatically realise this, in Hamiltonhill and Possil, the quality of life and amenities provided by the Labour controlled Glasgow City Council is extremely poor.

I speak from experience as I was brought up in the ghettos of Glasgow my entire life.

What David Kerr of the SNP is pointing out is the complete failure of the Labour Party to provide for and help the people.

William Bain said;

"David Kerr doesn't live here so perhaps he doesn't see the changes in my community on his visits here”.

How much more pathetic can Bain get trying to hide behind the people that the Labour Party abandoned?

Bain added;

"He'd rather talk our area down than solve the problems we have”.

Why didn’t Michael Martin open an office with public access in the community?

Why didn’t Bain make this a priority if he was so concerned?

Bain when further;

"Calling our area a ghetto is a disgusting slur to local people”.

No, it is a statement of fact regarding the Labour Party management of the City of Glasgow.

Bain quipped;

"People take pride in our area and look after their houses, so will be furious to be told their homes are in a ghetto."

Has Bain ever been up the tenements down Hamiltonhill and Possil, some residents down there have smashed in doors.

Anyone noticed his campaign photos don’t feature these areas, just back and front doors and expensive flats.

Local Labour MSP Paul Martin said;

"Like Willie, I have lived in this constituency all my life and know how offensive this kind of sneering comment it. He is talking down at people”.

I would suggest David Kerr has highlighted the extent of how much the Labour Party has used the people of this area.

Paul Martin’s father, Michael Martin said;

“I didn't come in to parliament not to take what's owed to me."

And the Martin family has been treating the people of Glasgow North East as a pay day.

Martin in a show of fake outrage continued;

"It is a bit rich for someone from the Southside to come up here and lecture us”.

If there is any lecturing going on, it is to the Labour Party.

Martin added;

"Things have changed massively in the last 74 years”.

Higher unemployment, poor health record, bad housing, lack of social and economic opportunities for the people!

Is this halfwit proud of the Labour Party record?

The people of Glasgow North East have an opportunity to end the Martin fiefdom completely.

David Kerr has ideas to help those who the Labour Party abandoned and when he sets up his office then people will know further how badly the Martin dynasty abused their trust.

William Bain represents nothing more than a bad joke and the people of Glasgow North East have heard enough in their lifetime.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I was at the Theatre Royal on 4 June. Lord Foulkes was there as well. His respect for Labour voters was clear when, during the interval, he said to his companion "I was talking to someone about Springburn. You know, the place there's going to be a by-election. They're nothing but underclass."

  2. Dear oldnat

    Thank you for your ditto about Foukles.

    I would say the people of Springburn have had it tough and certainly not had the life chances of George Foukles.

    I think Foukles is a warmer!

    I hope the people see through the Labour Party lies.

    David Kerr will offer the people a clean break with the past.

    Finally, I never thought Foukles had any culture about him; he certainly lacks class.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. So many lies have rolled from the tongues of the Martine possie and silly billy baine.

    When I was out talking to constituents with David Kerr last week they were telling me how they "used" to be proud to say they come from Springburn. Now, they hold their heads in shame to say they reside within the Springburn boundry. Why? Because of year of neglect from Labour. Most constituents, when asked, said Labour have done nothing in the past 74 years. When asked they said Labour have done nothing for them and thier famalies.

    Labour have foced these areas into disgraceful poverty. And they are too ashamed to say it!

    The SNP has done more for Glasgow than Labours 74 years of neglect of the constituents of Springburn.

  4. Dear David

    If you took away lying from the Labour Party, they wouldn't be able to string a sentence together.

    It is part of their rhythm of speech.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
