Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The US/UK "Special relationship" doesn't exist, it is a pipe dream

Dear All

The “Special relationship”!

You have all heard UK politicians talk about it, that there is a special relationship between the UK and the US.

For the record, it’s all bullshit, it is window dressing, a pipe dream; it doesn’t exist.

The relationship is that Britain does what America tells it to do.

It’s one way and America’s way only.

Consider this; the relationship is so special that UK people don’t automatically get a green card like people from other countries.

They have to wait in line like everyone else; we are that "special".

Now the Americans are not happy that Scotland has exercised its democratic right and freed someone who was imprisoned in one of its jails.

The White House is angry as it sees the release of al-Megrahi as a blatant breach of an agreement given by the British Government.

It was an agreement that the Labour Government couldn’t and shouldn’t have given the Americans.


Because Scotland has its own legal system and although Holyrood was rigged to try and keep the Labour Party in power; they were thrown out by the voters.

Someone should explain that in clear and stark terms to the Americans.

The UK Labour Government is incompetent.

It is time that the Americans grew up and stopped trying to bully countries, the Americans laughingly like to refer to themselves as the “allies”, a throwback to WW2 but the reality is they and Britain are in fact the axis powers.

They invaded Iraq and destroyed it; they invaded Afghanistan and are an occupation force there.

Britain is a third rate country desperately trying to be second rate by hang on to the Americans coat tails, for the scraps.

The myth of the special relationship is over and not before time.

Britain should be recognised for what it is; America’s poodle, nothing more and nothing less.

And someone should get the Americans a book on Scotland’s laws.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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